I am

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2 days later
Saturday, August 10
10:28 AM

I woke up to durk snoring in my ear I smiled at him sleeping then I rubbed my stomach and he started to move.. then durk opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning baby" I said smiling at him

"Morning" he said back yawning

"Mmm" he said stretching

I climbed out of the bed and went down the hall to the bathroom... as I walked out the bathroom durk was walking up to the door..

"Excuse me" he said pushing past me In a rush

"You ok" I said turning around looking at him

He shut the door and walked downstairs tiana was still sleep on the couch. As I started to walk down the hall I heard durk yelling my name so I turned around and walked upstairs to the bathroom.

"Yea" I said looking at him

"Can you cook" he said back then started brushing his teeth

"Yes baby" I said back rubbing his back

"Ok" he said looking at me then pecked my lips

"Eww you got your toothpaste on my lips" I said then wiped it off

As I walked downstairs somebody started knocking on the door hard asf. I turned around and durk was right behind me.

"Who the fuck knocking on my door like that" he said walking past me

I walked down the hall to the kitchen and grabbed some sausage, bacon and eggs out the refrigerator.

"Wassup sis" Tyler said walking in the kitchen

"Hey" I said looking at him

"Wassup Tee" Kentrell said looking at me

"Hey" I said looking at him then at Tyler

I cooked all of the sausage and bacon since they were staying.

"Why was you knocking so hard nikka" durk said looking at Tyler

"I ain't think y'all was up" he spat

"Man you could've called you woke up tiana. Now her ass cranky" durk said looking at Tyler then at me

"My bad bruda" Tyler told him

"Aaaahhh" Tiana said walking in the kitchen whining

"Come here princess" durk said picking her up

When durk picked up tiana I could tell trell was mad because of his face expression then I walked up to durk and he wrapped his arm around me then kissed my forehead

"I love you" I said looking up at durk

"I love you more" he said smiling down at me

"Ehh Get a room" Tyler said looking at us

"Fuck You" durk told Tyler laughing

I walked back to the stove and flipped the bacon and sausage then I walked to the pantry and grabbed a box of pancake mix and his waffle maker..

Signed to the streetsWhere stories live. Discover now