Bif cs

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August 12
3:10 PM

I'm at the doctor office wit Tati she had a doctor appointment today because her iron was low so she had to drink some orange drink. I tasted a little of it that shit was nasty asf it taste like a generic orange soda wit no sugar that shit was gross.

"Our kids gone grow up together" Tati said rubbing her stomach

"Deja only 2 months though" I told her

"So" she spat

"Knock knock" the nurse said walking in the room

"How you doing miss Martinez" she said Tati

"That was so nasty" Tati told the nurse

"You drunk all of it" she asked

"yes" Tati said back

"Ok good let me go get Doctor Scott" she said then walked out the room

"Can you get an ultrasound" I asked her

"I'm getting one my next appointment" she told me

"Ohkay" I said shaking my head

"You gotta tell me about all this pregnant shit cause I wanna be ready" I told her

"What? Boy gone somewhere" she said back laughing

"I'm serious" I said back laughing

"Whatever" She said back

The doctor came back and wrote out Tati prescription then we left and went to Walmart to the pharmacy..

"You wanna cook tacos tonight" I asked Tati

"That drink made my stomach hurt you wanna just order a pizza cause I don't feel like cooking" She spat

"I got taste of Tacos" I spat

"Fine I'll cook some then" I said while rolling my eyes

We walked back to the front of the store so I can get a shopping cart but Tati ended up getting a amego cart because she kept complaining about her stomach.. I don't know how durk can't tell she's pregnant cause she have a little puge..

"Oh shit their go my nikka" I said looking at booka

"Wassup brudaa" booka said giving me a bro hug

"Hey booka" Tati said standing up hugging him

"What y'all doing" he asked us

"Shit Tati had to get her prenatal pills" I told him

"Why you need them" booka asked her

"Because I'm pregnant" she said looking at him

"Oh shit fr? Oh shit what durkioo say" he asked her smiling

"He doesn't know and I want to keep it that way" she spat

"Oh shit I can't believe durkio got you pregnant" booka said laughing

"I'm serious booka don't tell him" Tati spat

"Man I'm not.. but you Gonna have to tell him one day" he spat

"No I don't" Tati said back then rolled her eyes

"Yes you do" I said looking at Tati

"Here come yo baby daddy.. look at him" booka said smiling at Tati

"Shut up" Tati said looking at booka wit a mean mug

"Wassup ty" durk said walking up to us

"Wassup man" I said giving him a bro hug

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