Cross me

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The next day
Wednesday, August 14
2:30 PM

I just left from seeing my dad nothing has changed everything is still the same and it seem like ty doesn't even care all he is worried about is his business and getting money... I pulled up at durk house because he was supposed to come home today and he haven't called me and plus I live here... I walked in the house durk, von, booka, ty, and trey was all in the living room smoking and playing 2k I shut the door and Durk looked back at me and I shook my head and walked down the hall to the kitchen... as I walked in the kitchen the first thing I seen was balloons that says 'get well' & 'im sorry' and a bouquet of flowers and chocolates on the table so I started smiling I walked to the table and smelled the flowers when I picked up the box of chocolates it was a letter stuck on the bottom so I ripped the letter off of the box... as I looked at the writing it looked nothing like durks hand writing so I started to read it...

(Reads the letter)

I want to start off by saying that these are flowers that you brought for me on our first official date. when I told you that I was pregnant wit your child you were so happy and excited to become a father I miss seeing that smile durk. I miss you so much I think about you everyday baby I'm so sorry I truly am.. I'm sorry that things had to end like that but I didn't Wright this to tell you I was sorry I wrote you because I

"Tati it's not what you think" durk said walking in the kitchen on his crutches

"Explain the shit then durk" I yelled throwing the flowers at him

"First of all the baby isn't mines" he said looking at me

"I got a blood test" he added

"Is this the same bitch was here that one day" I asked him

"No" he spat

"Damn how many.. I don't even wanna know! You don't have to explain nothin to me" I said then threw the letter down

"You can have this" I said wit my hands up

"I don't want it" I said then walked off

"Chill the fuck out" he yelled grabbing my arm

"You know what go! get the fuck out of my house!" He said while letting my arm go

I slapped durk across the face then I walked out the kitchen

"Wassup Tee" von said walking past me

"Hey" I said looking past him

I walked to the living room ty tries to grab my arm but I yanked it back so he couldn't touch me then I walked out the house and went home and so I can get some rest...

When I walked in the house mike and his crew was sitting on our furniture. I wonder does he know that was ty who robbed him.. when they seen me one of his guys grabbed my arm and walked me towards him..

"Why you haven't been answering my calls" he said grabbing my hair

"Because I don't have to" I spat

the dude twisted my arm behind my back

"Ahhh" I said in pain

"You cost me a lot of cash" mike said rubbing my cheek

"I paid you already" I spat

"You think just because you paid me that we're good" he asked me

"Get off me" I yelled at the dude holding my arm

"Your daddy not here to save you anymore" he said smiling at me

"Come here" he said then kissed my neck

"Get off me" I yelled kicking him

"You know you miss me" mike said then kissed me again

"Eww no I don't" I yelled back

"Get off me" I said kicking the guy holding my arm

"Mike Stop" I yelled as he started to dry hump me

"Stop" I yelled again

"Tati open the door baby I'm sorry" durk said knocking on the door

"Here come yo bitch ass nikka" mike said looking at the door

"Durk" I yelled

tyler opened the door and when he seen mike in my face and his dude holding my arm.. ty pulled out his gun and pointed it at mike then durk and everybody else walked in the house.

"Get off my sister" ty said looking at the dude

"I thought your brother told you to watch your back" mike said rubbing my face wit his gun

"Put Your gun down" mike told ty

"Put yours down.. I'm not afraid to use mines" ty told him

"You think I am" mike asked him

"Get the fuck always from her" durk yelled at mike walking towards us

"Stay yo cripple ass over there" mike yelled

Durk lost his temper and hit mike in the head wit one of his crutches causing him to fall on he couch then mike cocked his gun and aimed it at durk.

"Don't put a gun at me and don't use it" durk spat

"Stop" I yelled

"Shut up" I yelled at durk

Pow 💥

I looked down... all I could see was blood then I felt ty pull my arm and I looked up I seen mike on the hard wood floor wit a bullet in his head.. I looked over durk had the gun in his hand looking down at mike I let go of ty and walked towards durk and he hugged me so tight I hardly could breath..

"Get the fuck back" ty yelled at mike friend

Durk looked at ty and they gave each other this weird look and felt this cold chill go down my body which made me jump then Durk looked at me and I looked off..

"I gotta throw up" I said then walked off

I felt durk watching me as I walked down the hall to the restroom. I closed the door n locked it and I sat on the toilet and cried..

"You ok" durk said knocking on the door

"I'm fine" I said then flushed the toilet

I stood up and looked in the mirror as I stood up then I splashed water in my face then I grabbed a dry towel and patted my face dry

"Tati you gotta go" ty said knocking on the door

"I'm coming" I said walking off

"They bouta come to get this shit up" he told me

I opened the door and walked back into the living room durk had the other guy at gun point

"We got some shit to do tee just go to durk house" ty told me

"Whatever" I said then walked off

I grabbed my purse then I walked out the house and slammed the door..

"Tati" durk yelled

"Leave me alone" I said opening my car door

I went to durk house and packed all of my clothes that I took over his house and I got a hotel room for me and Tiana.

Signed to the streetsWhere stories live. Discover now