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Tatiana AKA TeeTee

I got me and tiana dress for the day I'm taking her to the zoo today and out to eat since she's doing good in school... I grabbed my purse from my desk and we walked out my room..

"Have fun" my dad told us

"Ok" tiana said running downstairs

"Bye daddy" I said wit a smile then I walked downstairs

I grabbed the bag of food that I packed for us and we were on our way 💙💙💙

"Yayyy I can't wait" tiana said smiling

"I know baby" I said looking at her through the rear view mirror while stopping at a red light

45 'minutes later

We got out the car and walked towards the building the line was so long we waited 5 minutes in the line so I can buy our tickets and so we can get inside the building...

"You excited" I asked tiana as we walked down the hall

"I can't wait to see the monkeys" she told me

"Is we riding the elephant" I asked her

"Yeah" she said then held my hand

2 hours later

"My feet hurt" tiana said looking up at me

"What you ready to leave" I asked her

"Yea I'm hungry too" she spat

"Ok we can stop somewhere" I told her

Me and tiana left the zoo and ended up stopping at McDonald's before we went home...

"How was the zoo" my dad asked when we walked in the house

"Fun I got to pet the penguins" tiana said back excited

"You did tell me all about it" my dad said picking up tiana

I went upstairs and sat in my Bean bag chair and watched Netflix while eating chips and dip


Later that night

Me and the girls ended up meeting up wit booka, von, mac, and Dee at a hotel...

"Y'all Get the food" von said opening the door

"Duhh whatchu think this is" I spat then walked passed him

"Hey" durk said then pecked my lips

"Hey" I said then smiled at him

"Wassup Tee" booka said looking at me

"Hey bruda" I said looking at him

We sat down and ate first then we played cards and got drunk..


"I'm horny" Chrissy whispered in my ear

"Tell booka" I whispered back

"Bookkkkaaaaaa" Chrissy said smiling at him

I laughed and shook my head

"You wanna go to my crib" durk asked me

"Yeah" I said back looking at him

"Ight brudaa you n Lexi can have the room" durk told von standing up

"Bet" he said back

"Come on y'all" durk said standing up

"We ready to leave already" I asked him

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