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The next morning


I woke up to somebody ringing my doorbell and knocking on my door. I sat up and looked over durk was laid out on the floor butt ass naked and I was naked so I slowly got off the couch and walked towards the window to see who was knocking. I seen Tyler and tiana walking to the house and booka was at the door..

"Durk get up" I said trying to wake him

"Ohhh" durk said slowly opening his eyes

"Put your clothes on" I semi yelled

I ran to the back room and grabbed my booty shorts wit a spaghetti strap shirt then I ran to the door..

"Hey" I said opening the door

"What took yo ass so long" ty said walking in the house

"Hey y'all" I said looking at them

Tiana Gave me a hug then she ran upstairs and Tyler n booka went to the kitchen

"We need to talk" I said looking st durk who was walking downstairs

"Who here" he asked me

"My brother and booka" I spat

"Bet" durk said about to walk off

"Wait" I said grabbing his arm

"Hmmm" he said then pulled me into a long kiss

"I see y'all made up" booka spat

"This my baby" durk said then grabbed my butt

"Ughhh" I said then walked off

I went to the kitchen and Tyler was making him a big ass bowl of fruity pebbles... I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle then I sat at The island

"You gone eat all that" I said looking at him

"Hell Yea" he said back wit a mouthful

"I guess dad seen durk downtown wit Lauren last night" Tyler told me

"Wowww" I said looking at ty

"Dad told me that durk was acting funny cause he was wit Lauren" he told me

"Did Dad tell him about aria" I asked ty

"Dad said that he didn't even—

"Wassup ty" durk said walking in the kitchen

"Supp" ty said back then looked at me

That really irritated me. I was at the hospital all night worrying if my daughter was going to be ok and durk bitch ass can go downtown wit his bitch..

"You cooking breakfast" durk asked

"Not for you" I spat wit no emotion

I got up and walked out the kitchen... then durk grabbed my arm as I was about to walk up the stairs

"What's wrong" durk asked while letting my arm go

"Durk I'm far from stupid" I spat

"Whatchu talking about" he spat

"Nothing" I said then walked up the stairs

I went upstairs to my room and laid on my bed n FaceTime Lexi

"Heyyy bitchhhh" lexi said answering the phone

"Bitchhh guess what" Lexi asked

"What bitchh" I said smiling at her

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