Man down

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❌☝️☝️picture of Tyler ☝️☝️❌

Christmas Day eve
9:20 AM


I got up early and did me and the kids hygiene so we can go to my dad house because he is cooking a big breakfast... I got Ariana car seat out the closet hallway then I walked down the hall to the living room where the girls was on the couch watching coco.

"Tiana go get your snowsuit" I told her while I picked up Ariana

"Ok" she said then ran off

I strapped Ariana in her car seat then I went to the front door and put on my ugg boots.

"Ready" tiana said walking downstairs

"Ok can you help me" I asked her

"Yea" she said walking towards me

I just grabbed Ariana car seat then I walked out the door behind tiana. As I opened the car door for tiana she fell trying to get in the car.

"Ouch" tiana said laying on the ground

"Haha" I said laughing

"You ok baby" I asked her

"I'm fine" she said standing up

"How did you fall" I asked her giggling

I put Ariana in the car then I shut the car door and went back into the house. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my purse from my bed and I went across the hall and got the pamper bag then I went downstairs and locked up the house

"So can we open gifts today" tiana asked as I got in the car

"Only one" I spat

I backed out of my driveway then I pulled off and drove to my father house.

6 minutes later

I pulled in my dad driveway and parked behind Tyler challenger. I got out of my car and opened the door for tiana then I got Ariana and the bags...

"Merry Christmas" my dad said opening the door

"Merry Christmas daddy" tiana said hugging him

"Merry Christmas" I said hugging my dad

My dad took Ariana car seat from me and walked to the back then me and tiana stood by the door taking off our shoes and coat.

"Can I open gifts now" tiana asked again

"No tiana" I said then walked off

"Wassup sis" Tyler said as I walked in the tv room

"Hey" I said looking at him

"Aw pawpaw baby look beautiful" my dad said picking up Ariana

Ding dong

"Go get the door ty" my dad told him

"You cook yet" I asked my dad

"I'm waiting on the biscuits to get done now" he said back

"My lady friend coming over today" my dad told me

"So I want you and your brother to be on y'all best behavior" my dad spat

"You talking to me like ima kid" I spat

"Cause y'all act like one" my dad spat

"No I don't" I spat

"It took me along time to move on from your mother" he said looking at me

Signed to the streetsWhere stories live. Discover now