I know

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☝️picture of Lauren ☝️

Couple days later


I just pulled up at Tati house she was standing outside talking to someone in a car... I parked on the street then I walked up her driveway..

"Ok bye love you" Tati said talkin to the person inside the car

"Hey Tee" I said looking at her

"Hey" she said looking at me

I walked in the house Tyler was walking downstairs wit bella in his arms and tiana behind him

"Durk" Tiana said running downstairs

"Tuna" I said wit my arms open

Tiana gave me a hug then I picked her up and walked towards the kitchen where Tyler is at

"Wassup ty" I said looking at him

"Wassup" he said shaking a milk bottle

"Let me see my daughter " I said putting tiana down

"Take her lil ass" ty said handing me Ariana

"she spit up on me 4 times already" he told me

"When tiana Get here" I asked him

"Yesterday" he told me

"Tati got her for Christmas then she going back" he said looking down at tiana

"So she live wit y'all grandpa now" I asked


"You like living in Florida" I asked tiana

"Yea" she said smiling at me

"She gone stay in Florida for a year then she's coming back to stay wit Tati" he told me

"Ohkay" I said back

"Papa said he'll be back later" Tati said walking in the kitchen

"How you doin" I asked Tati

"Wonderful" she said back smiling

"Thanks for asking how are you doing" she said looking at me

"Good" I said back

"That's good honey would you like something to eat" she asked me

"What the fuck got into you" I asked looking at her

"Nothin" She said back smiling

"Whatever" I said shaking my head

"I'm about to get started on dinner" she told us

We all went upstairs I put Ariana in the rocker and tuna went in her room and played wit her then me and ty went to Tati room to talk

"What done got into your sister" I asked ty

"She went to church this morning" he told me

"She's bettering herself" he told me

"That's good" I said shaking my head

"Yeah she just been cheesing all around here" he added

"So you think I can slide in" I asked ty then laughed

"Slide in what" Tati said walking in the room

"Slide into yo bed" I said smiling at her

"Oh no" she said looking at me

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