One mo chance

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Later that same night
7:20 pm


I'm just going through a lot since I had Ariana I've been going through depression and I'm at my breaking point I don't think I can take this anymore. I told durk he can get Ariana so his mom and sister picked her up about 2 hours ago, I packed her a big diaper bag I told durk he can keep her for a while because I need a break from her Don't get me wrong I love my child but it's just so hard when your a single parent and nobody is their to help you, durk don't really do anything because he's just so busy chasing these bitches he don't ask if I need help or anything. Anyways I'm at home laying in my bed eating some pizza while watching love&hip hop Lexi and Chrissy supposed to come over to keep me company but I think I'm just going to rest since I don't have Ari. I went upstairs to my room laid on the bed and ft my papa so I can talk to tiana, I haven't talked to my baby in a long time.

"Hey Tatiana" my papa answered

"Hey papa. You around tiana" I asked

" she playing outside" he told me

"Oh cause I wanted to talk to her" I told him

"You can I'll go get her" he said then got up

"How you been doing papa" I asked him

"Good. How about you princess" he asked

"Just living day by day. when is school out" I asked

"In a couple of months" he told me

"Ok good because I miss my baby"i said smiling

"She misses you too" he said back

"Ana Tati on the phone" I papa told her

"Here she come" he said into the phone

"Come on you can talk to her in the house" he told her

"Hi tati" tiana said smiling

"Hi baby you having fun" I asked

"Yea me and chase playing on the slide" she told me

"You are" I said smiling

"Yea. Where's Ari" she asked

"She's wit her dad" I told her

"How's school going" I asked her

Me and tiana talked on the phone for a long time then me and my papa talked about sending tiana back. After I got off the phone wit them I ended up going to Clare house but he was acting weird n shit so I left and went back home


1 AM

I'm at the trap wit booka, Aaron, tooka, key and von until we got a call from durk saying he was at Walmart wit ari and he seen some opps and they was on his head wit his daughter so we hoped up and flew to Walmart. Von FaceTimed durk and he was arguing wit them niggas..

"Aye bro come in the back by the baby stuff mane" durk said then hung up the phone

"Aye y'all niggas stay here in the front so we be on them niggas when they leave" I told Aaron and booka

Me, tooka and von walked to the back n we seen a group of niggas.

"He had to call his bro's" one of the opps spat

"It's only one of me and 5 of y'all not about to jump me" durk spat

"Wassup ion do no talkin" I said looking around at all of the niggas

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