Part Four

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Daisy marches fast and furiously across the kitchen towards the basement door. Most of the mercenaries are already gone. Only one remains in the kitchen. Dennis. A rather skinny and lanky man who looks like a pirate. He has greasy hair and blackened fingernails. He is rummaging through their fridge. Daisy opens and then slams shut the microwave before rearing on Dennis.


Hey, fuckface!

The man turns to face Daisy. He licks his fingers as he stares into her eyes. He attempts a smile. When she does not return it, he settles for caressing her face instead. Daisy looks as though she might vomit. All she can see in his eyes are lust and greed.

She doesn't blink. She doesn't break her concentration as he advances on her. He pulls Daisy's head in closer, closing his eyes. She keeps hers open and right before he has a chance to kiss her- Daisy bites down hard on his finger.


(In agony)


Daisy doesn't let up. She bites until it bleeds. Rage in her eyes to match the terror in his.



There is complete silence.

We see a deserted beach. The waves roll quietly upon the sand. The ocean is unaware of what has just transpired on the land.

Bodies scatter the beach in an absurd quantity, for as far as the eye can see. Some of them floating a few meters out into the sea. Abandoned weapons, bullet shells, shrapnel from a variety of unknown sources, all remnants of war scatter the area.

None of the bodies stir. They all appear dead.

Shattering the silence, a man begins wheezing, coughing up blood and sand all over, and gulping frantically for air.

The man is Rick Forester. He is black, with a short buzz cut, and an impressive figure for someone at the height of about 5 foot 6.

After he catches his breath, he tries to stand up, almost immediately falling on his ankle. He looks down at it. It is sprained.

He looks around at the beach, trying to see if anyone else is alive.



Rick begins to limp across the blood-soaked sand, passing hundreds of corpses.



There is no answer to his cry. He continues on, not stopping despite hardly being able to stand.

He walks for a great distance, scanning through the wreckage of the battle. He spots something and his eyes widen.



He runs as fast as he can towards a mass on the ground. Among the bodies, a man with blonde hair is spread-eagle on the sand.

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