Chapter 2: Winnaya

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June 13, 2026
10:02 P.M.
Helios Station

Jack had killed every other man swarming him, but one. The man, that he missed, held me up at gun point so Jack could see what consequences I would receive if he didn't cooperate. My breathing was ragged and my heart was vigorously beating. I kept my eyes on Jack as his gaze eventually locked onto me and his eyes looked straight into mine.

"Let her go, you jackass." He seethed, his tone sounding as if he would tear this man to bits if he didn't free me from his tight grip. All Jack got in reply was laughter.

"How about I take this pretty lady and tell Colonel Zarpedon we killed you?" He negotiated with him. My eyes widened in fear. Jack wouldn't let him take me...would he? I mean, I've known him for 2 years, but he cares about me. He wouldn't let them. I know he wouldn't.

He tapped his finger to his chin as he was deep in thought. What he said next sent me into a frozen, petrified state. "Sure, but on one condition."

The man in the metal suit hugged me closer to his body and laughed lowly, like a psychopath in a psychiatric hospital. "What would tha-"

I felt the grip loosen immediately and the man fell to the ground. I looked at Jack, and he was holding his gun where the man was before.

"No one hurts my woman."

I hugged myself and almost started crying. But, before I could fall to the ground and break down, two arms wrapped themselves around me and held me tightly close to their chest, their warmth enclosing me. I knew who the person was and that was when I finally broke down.

I felt his hand rub my back ever so gently and trace his fingers along my back. I wrapped my arms around the man that saved me and...I cried. My guarding wall of my personal feelings broke. All of the stress and negative emotions that I bottled up...have flown through my body and now I've let them infiltrate everywhere in me.

"Everything is alright, Winnaya" he said in a soothing tone, "You're safe now. I have you, and it's only me and you."

I stopped crying and I raised my head slightly, to see that he was correct. Every other soldier was dead. I leaned my head on this chest, and I felt his lips kiss the top of my head. Hearing his heart beat started to calm me down in a matter of seconds.

"Let's get you out of here, does that sound good?" He asked. I nodded, but I didn't want to stand up. I just couldn't after what had just occurred.

He chuckles and picks me up. "Do you want to go to my apartment?" I gripped his yellow Hyperion sweater. I felt a chest rise and fall as he laughed and carried me away from the loading dock and towards his room.

As he walked, my body was gently, but protectively close to his. It's like he is scared to dropped I'm a piece of glass. I didn't mine how close I was to him. He was warm and I almost started to fall asleep. I could feel his gaze on me as I slowly fell asleep against him.

He had moved my body so he could open the door to his living quarters. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck, along with my head resting on his shoulder, so he had an easier way of opening and closing the front door. As I said, I was easily starting to get tired.

He walked into his room and easily placed me under the comforter and covered me so I wouldn't get cold. I smiled as I felt the cover being placed over my body. It felt very relaxing to lie down and sleep. I heard a ECHO sound off...must be whoever he sent off in the Moonshot cannon. I knew he sent someone because I saw a face in the glass, but I didn't get a good enough look at them to see who it was.

"Hey, you survived! That was me high-fiving myself. They're looking for me, so I gotta go radio silent -- find the jamming signal, shut it down, and return to Helios." He told the person and ended to call.

I sat up slowly and looked at Jack. "Are those soldiers the ones looking for you?" I yawned and looked at him with half-lidded eyes.

He turned around and sighed. "Yes sweetheart, but I'll protect you babygirl. I promise." I knew he was serious by his tone and that he promised me.

I nodded in reply and laid back down, falling back asleep. Yet, it was hard to sleep knowing that Jack was not by me. I laid on the bed with my eyes back open once again. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't close them. My body tensed at the sudden arm around me, but I relaxed as I knew Jack was laying behind me.

Now I could sleep peacefully with Jack by my 10:45 at night.

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