Chapter 7: Winnaya and Jack

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June 14, 2026
2:25 P.M.
Meriff's Office

The elevator arrived at the top, and we all got off. We were actually doing this. What is the Meriff like? Is he young, buff, and powerful? Is he tall? Is he demanding? All of these possible traits of the unknown figure ran through my mind at an intense speed that I couldn't keep up. It made me feel like the room was spinning and I looked at Jack.

All I could say were two words. "" Then, I fell to the ground. Everything went black. I felt something warm and soft under my head. I guess someone caught me so I didn't hit my head.

Nevertheless, I could still hear. Just because I could not see or move, does not mean I could not hear. I hate how, on Hyperion, that is not believed for one second. Maybe if I could sneak out and...I can't. I'm still unconscious and I can't see anything, nor can I move!

I heard a robotic female start to speak. "Warning. Trespassing on government property will result in your immediate death. Thank you." We aren't even trespassing. What is the deal here.


I saw her start to fall backward with her eyes rolling backward. Shit. That is not good. I held out my hand and jumped towards her, my hand sliding underneath her head. Her head hit my hand, and my hand hits the floor. That could've been really bad if my hand wasn't there. She could've gotten a bad head injury. But she didn't so we are a-okay.

An alarm went off and built-in ceiling turrets lowered and started to shoot at the Vault Hunters, Winnaya, and myself. I grabbed her and pulled her behind a wall as they shot at us. God, why is the Meriff being pissy today? All I want to do is talk to him, and he's just making this harder on himself.

"Shoot at the turrets and take them down!" I said, pointing at the soldiers storming the room. I used my blasters on my wrist to take down a few soldiers before I saw Winnaya start to wake up.

Shit. She is gonna be scared out of her mind. I tilted her face to look at mine and I held her face so she couldn't see what was going on. I didn't want her to see the shit show going down behind her. She is already dealing with enough right now. It's not a good idea to put more weight on her chest.

"Just look at me and don't look away" I said, shooting the soldiers around her so she didn't get shot at from behind. I felt her grab my coat and her head dip into my jacket.

Eventually, the turrets were broken and there was a mess of dead bodies everywhere. Literally. Blood was splattered everywhere. I mean, one guy looked like he got a huge ass paper cut across his face. Another looked like his dick got blown off by a pissed off pregnant lady not getting her morning sex like she wanted.

Then, the intercom went off. "Uh, look, no tours today, sorry! Please exit through the gift shop, alright?" There is no god damn gift shop, you jackass, "Err... I'm not – I'm not here! I-I-I-I... I left the building, that's what I did! I'm gone! Look!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He's only gonna piss me off even more. I mean, I'm already pissed off because his security buddies tried to shoot my precious girl...wait. She's not my girl, she is a colleague. A friend, nothing more....right? I mean, I kissed her and I fucked her. Does that mean...I like her. God damn it, you stupid fucking feelings.

We approached the office and the Meriff had his office door closed off by a barrier. "Officer! Get that door open!"

The Lawbot appeared finally and rolled up to the control panel. "I don't take orders from civilians! However, as I was already going to do that..." I rolled my eyes once again. If I keep rolling my eyes in annoyance, they're probably gonna fall out of my head.

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