Chapter 11: Jack

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June 15, 2026
2:45 P.M.
Helios Station

I guided the Vault Hunters through the Veins of Helios, even talking to them about the infected workers they met along the way. They made their way, on their own, to the central platform. I had Winny laying in my lap, sleeping soundly. Yes, I called her Winny because that's her nickname from me.

Moxxi's voice entered the communications line, causing Winny to wake up. "Hey, sugar. I hear you're trying to shut down that laser." I hate it when she calls me that, and I can tell that Winnaya hates it too.

I groaned. "Yeah, that's the plan. Knock it off with the "sugar" thing, will ya?" I know it's harsh, but I don't give two shits.

"Look, whatever you're about to try isn't gonna work. A laser of that size, using that much power? There's no way the Colonel hasn't rigged it to blow the entire station if you try to disarm it." What does she mean by that? Wait, how did I not think of this?

I growled in frustration. "She -- yeah! Of course she did! Dammit, how did I not see that coming?"

Mox was going to pull some type of one-liner to get me all excited about this, but I'm going to be a mature adult and handle this the right way. "Good thing you've got a tech whiz on your side, sugar. I'll help you get that laser down, no muss, no fuss, no explosions." Fuck the adult shit.

"Thanks, Mox. I appreciate it. I'll send you the blueprints now" I replied, sending the blueprints to Mox, or also known as Balloon Tits.

Moxxi went silent for a few and then started talking again. "Alright, I've got a plan. Roland and Lilith -- head to the station's reactor. Jack, I need you and your Vault Hunters at the Eye of Helios itself. Once everyone's in place, we should be able to shut the laser down and save the moon."

Then, I lead the Vault Hunters to the main console to shut down the barrier. Of course, when they said Fast Travel was up and running, I went with Winnaya to go defeat Zarpedon.

We walked beside each other, hand in hand. "Let's kick that bitch's ass." I smirked and she nodded with a smile and kissed my cheek.

(~ Time Skip ~)

Everyone finally got passed the barrier after killing all the douchebag troops. We officially got to the fast travel area and got it online. Everyone was conversing amongst themselves, while Winnaya went to the machines to get a better shield and more ammo.

My voice boomed through the area. "Yeahhh, uh – we're gonna have to go through... here." Protests came from the Vault Hunters, but Winny walked up to me and nodded. I bet they think she is the most insane person ever.

"It's an electrical convergence... yaddaya, it doesn't matter. Just wait for the laser to fire before you run through. It'll momentarily drain the power and stop all the electricity" I explained to them how this works as they all lined up, ready to charge past the electric trap, "Wait for it... Now! Go!" We all ran as fast as we could to the other side, everyone making it successfully.

I tried to open a door that lead straight to the Eye, and that door wasn't opening. "Son of a... Aw, it – of COURSE it's locked from the other side! THANKS, ZARPEDON! We're gonna have to take the long way around – let's hit the elevator and go topside." I walked towards the elevator with Winnaya clinging to my arm. I could tell she wasn't ready or she was doubting herself.

I closed the elevator doors and everyone reloaded their weapons. "Winnaya, we can do this okay? I promise we are going to protect each other, even you." I kissed her forehead and pulled her close to my side.

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