Chapter Two// Some things Don't Change

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Three years ago


"I hate myself so much, this is only what I deserve Cal"


Present Day


"Oi! Pass it, Ash!"

Soccer was Ashton's favourite sport.

He couldn't play for shit but he still loved it.

Ashton tried to pass the ball to his friend Calum but ended up tripping over his own feet. His feet were one of the things he did hate. They were so big and always in his way, if that even makes sense, making the boy trip all the time.

Ashton hated how he could hear people snickering at him and saw others pointing. He wanted to be angry and assertive and make them stop and be afraid of him.

But he didn't. Ashton just smiled and pretended to laugh at his own expense, not any wanting further ridicule.

"Damn Ash, are you okay mate? You fell pretty hard on your knee." Calum always did try to make sure Ashton was okay. Calum had been friends with the curly lad for a long while and he had a soft spot for the boy, even if "tough Cash Money" wouldn't admit it.

"Yeah just some bruising I think. I'm fine Cal, really."

Ashton didn't really like how protective Calum was with him. He understood it was because the kiwi boy cared for him but his hawk-like watch wasn't always fun. Calum always made sure to check to make sure Ashton was okay. Even if something as small as a paper cut happened to Ashton, Calum was worried to no end about it.

Calum cast Ashton a worried glance before nodding and heading towards the locker room, Ashton following in his wake.

"Are you staying after school again to help with elementary?" Calum asked while buttoning up his uniform, smoothing out the wrinkles.

"Forever and always!" Ashton beamed. Helping the elementary and junior high kids was the highlight of his day. The kids were all fun and kind, making Ashton's dark days bright again.

"Whatever man, just start leaving before 5:30, I don't want you walking home in the dark." Calum glanced at Ashton, giving him a stern look before saying his goodbyes and leaving the locker room to go home.

Ashton sighed, packing his things and heading over to the smaller building where the kids were held.


It was 6:30 pm.

Ashton hadn't meant to stay late.

The kids just looked so sad that he was going and he just couldn't bring himself to leave. He was pretty sure one girl was going to cry. So he stayed until each and every kid had left, meaning he left very late and it was dusk. The sun hiding behind the houses now, casting a pink-orange hue to cast over the sky.

Ashton walked out of the school gates, locking them after he was out.

Ashton wasn't really worried about walking alone at night.

He was just worried about what his Father would do about him being late..


"You dumb shit!" Ashton flinched and sighed. His Father was drunk.

"Leave Harry alone please Dad, I'm sure he didn't mean to do whatever you're so amd about." Harry was crying and covering his ears. He was only 8, the swearing and yelling made him upset.

"He fucking knocked down a picture on the wall! The little bitch needs to know not to play ball in my house." Austin swayed, stumbling and slurring, trying to reach Ashton.

"Listen you little dick, you better explain yourself you're late. Where the fuck were you?"

Ashton gave Harry a look, telling the boy to go to his room. Harry nodded, scrambling to his room and Ashton heard the door lock.

"Answer me you fag."

"Dad I-"

Ashton couldn't finish his sentence as he felt the wind being knocked out of him.


Hey there

So CalPal is here aye

I wrote this in an hour and a half and I actually like it yay.

The One Direction movie is out today and i'm trying to see it omf i can't wait

But Let's talk about the good girl video "a good girl is like a glass of sweet, sweet lemonade on a hot summer day" Luke is such a loser.

Anyways so what you think about my boo Ashton?

He's a sweetie really.

I just want everyone to know these chapters will be short until Luke and Ashton get some stuff happenin in the hishouse

Guys this has a little bit over 300 reads yay thank you

I love you and love yourself as much as I love youtube


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