Chapter Sixteen // She Way Out

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Four years ago

"I love you, Michael." "Okay? Whatever."


Present Day

Luke felt lonely. Which was strange since he usually didn't feel many emotions.

Even though he was almost never physically alone. The problem was, he felt lonely in crowded places.

And he didn't know why.

He had been lonely ever since he left Ashton.

But he shouldn't feel lonely because he left Ashton, because Ashton was just another hook-up, another person to fuck over.

Luke should feel at least a little happy because he's with Michael. The boy he fell in love with when he was 16. Luke should still have feelings, strong feelings, for his first love. Right?

So even with Michael literally inside of him, he felt lonely and could only think of Ashton.

The way Ashton's hair was so soft and fluffy while Michael's was thinning and a bit rough.

How Ashton's smile lit up Luke's whole world and Michael's was only average.

How Ashton cared about him before he even knew if Luke was an okay person and Michael never said "I love you." when they were younger and how he barely cared Luke's love before he disappeared.

So even while he was having sex with Michael, and Michael came inside if him, all he felt was loneliness and all he could think about how different it would be if he was with Ashton

"I love you Luke."


Luke was alone, feeling lonely, which seemed to be his new normal. Michael had left saying he had "work" and a swift "I love you". His mother was out, even though he probably wouldn't talk to her even if she was home, it'd be nice to know she was there.

So he called Ashton.


Luke sighed, Ashton's voice had changed, and it'd only been a month. It was deeper and a bit scratchy and husky. His voice couldn't have possibly changed from being so high that quick without a little extra help from crying or smoking. And Luke didn't really want it to be either.

"Hey Ash, it's Luke."

"What do you want Luke? And don't call me Ash"

"I want you to meet me at the park by your house in thirty minutes."

There was a really long pause.

Ashton didn't know if he trusted Luke. Luke wouldn't blame him for it either.



I don't even know how long this is, my mom has had my laptop and I had to finish this on my phone so unedited as well but I'm updating later probably, I'm sorry my updates are everywhere and take so long, I make myself mad lmao.

and my baby CONNOR came out today and I'm so happy for him and he deserves all the good things coming his way and I love him a lot.

if you know who parody 5sos is, (hemmo16parody) am I the only one who thinks they're the real 5sos? I've been into them since like April or May but recently mike posted a pic if himself and he looks like Michael I stg

I'm sorry my (A/N)'s are so long and annoying but I love you a lot and for a split second you ever think no one loves or likes you, don't because I do. I'm almost always available to talk so if you need someone I'm here. :) even if you don't know someone it doesn't mean you can't love or care about them. humans were made to love each other, and to care about one another.

I love you good bye

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