Chapter Twelve // Finding Ashton

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Three Years Ago

Even though Luke witnessed his boyfriend being shot, they never really found his body. The shooters had dragged Michael away. So the police assumed his was dead.

Here Lies Michael Gordon Clifford 

November 20 1995 - ?



After leaving Calum's home, Luke made his way back to the party hoping, praying, Ashton was still there and would listen to Luke. Yeah, Luke cared about Ashton - maybe more than he'd care to admit - but he did and he wanted Ashton to be his.  And well Luke always got what he wanted.

Luke just hope Ashton wanted to be his too.


     People were still at the house, cleaning up red cups or just walking home holding their heads from drinking to much the night before.

     Luke pushed past people exiting the house ready to go on a search for Ashton. Hopefully, the curly haired boy was still at the house, or at least near by. And if he didn't find Ashton, Luke might actually feel a little sad. The things that boy does to him are magnificent considering Ashton are bringing back feelings Luke wasn't sure he had anymore. Which usually would terrify somebody like Luke. It did scare him honestly but he kind of liked the feeling of liking somebody and caring for them, kind of.

     It was still quite early so Luke's best bet was the room he and Ashton were in. A lot harder than it seems considering he wasn't that sober or aware of anything other than Ashton and his lips. 

   He went through each and every room and he might have walked in on a few people but he didn't care. 

"Hey man! What the fuck?! Haven't you heard of-"

Luke's eyes widened and his jaw went slack. His body was numb but it was so active at the same time. He could feel the beat of his heart in his chest and Luke was so so so confused. What was happening? Why was he here? How was he here? There were so many thoughts as his mind finally caught up with it self and halted.



Luke stopped looking for Ashton when he found Michael.

He was so confused and upset and hurt. Where had Michael been? Why did he leave? Michael looked different now of course. He had grown a few inches and his build a bit more muscular. He had dyed his hair again and Luke wondered how many times it's changed colour since Michael left. His hair was thinner but his face was still the same. His eyes held the same danger and adventure and the dare to look into them for more than a second. His lips a darker shade of red. He had a piercing now too, on his eyebrow and a few new tattoos.

Luke thought he was gorgeous.

"Hey wanna get donuts?"

"Donuts? Did you just fucking ask me if I want to get donuts? Are you shitting me?"

  To say Luke was furious was an understatement. He was so upset Michael let him think he was fucking dead for three years.

"No I'm not 'shitting' you, dumbfuck. Do you want to get donuts or not."

"You can't just do that Michael. You can't be dead for three fucking years then waltz back into my life. You made my life a living hell! I was fifteen, Michael. Fucking fifteen and being accused of murder, fifteen and watched my boyfriend get shot dead , which apparently you aren't. How do you explain that?! Enlighten me! Please fucking shine the light on this since I'm a 'dumbfuck'."

  Michael didn't even flinch when Luke moved closer to him during his speech.

"Oh my poor Lukey, Am I not your boyfriend anymore?"

"You have a boyfriend?"


This is absolute horse poop I'm sorry.

I wrote like half of it then my weekend got kinda busy and I couldn't finish it. It's everywhere forgive me.

But Michael isn't dead?? whaaaaa 

 Orginally I was going to have Ash and Michael doing something then have Luke walk in or whatever then thought I'd probably punch myself if I did that.

I think this is pretty long compared to other chapters, still probably only a page on desktop but pretty long.

I don't know if I ever said how much older Michael was than Luke but about a year and a half. so he's about 19 a almost 20 if my math is correct?

buT MICHAEL IS ALMOST 19 BYE. my aunt is having her baby her Michael's birthday and tbh thats the only reason I remember the kids due date. 

I'm putting up the character answers in a bit so you can ask more questions if you'd like. 

thank you for reading this story even though I'm very bad at updates and i love you whoever you may be. and i made an ask fm bc i'm lame lol  i love youuuuuuuu remember that if you think someone doesn't.

Aushizzle out 

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