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Amy's Pov
Nobody's seen Sonic since after the incident with Cream and Shadow and I are trying our best to forget about it.
We moved back into Mobius because we realized we really missed everyone.
I got a job at Vanilla's bakery and Shadow was working with the police force.
I picked up my mirror and placed it back on the shelf. The stupid thing keeps falling.
I had just gotten out the shower and I hadn't gotten dressed yet.
Today was Sonia's birthday and I just couldn't miss it, even if her brother is a psychopath.
*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*
"Hello?" I answered.
"Oh, Amy ! Hey, um I was wondering if you could get the cake for the party, Sally is stuck at the hospital with patients and I'm busy taking care for the twins."
Oh right the twins!
"No problem Vanilla I'll be right on it. How are Ella and Zamie by the way?"
"They're just little angels dear, haven't misbehaved not once. I'll be at the party in an hour so don't miss me too much, got to go! Bye dear!"
"Haha, bye," I said before scurrying off to my closet.
What to wear? I had so many outfits to pick from.
I decided on a purple top that fell over my shoulders on both sides and some black shorts.
On my way out I grabbed my purse and phone.
Shadow was waiting for me outside, his face was covered in dirt and he still had on his uniform.
"Shadow." I said with an evil smile on my face.
He uncrossed his arms and stood up wide-eyed at me.
"Go change." I said between my teeth.
"Y-yes b-b-babe," he stammered running in the house to return with a black shirt and red shorts on.
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
He nervously smiled and started complimenting my appearance.
It's really cute how I'm the girl that makes the most cold person turn into a real sweetheart.

*~Le time-skip to the bakery~*

"The cake should be on the counter," I told Shadow.
He nodded in understanding and went off to retrieve it.
I went behind the counter to get a few extra treats for the party when I saw the back light was on in the corner of my eye.
I walked through the door to find a note sitting on the floor.
I picked it up and was confused more than ever.
"I'm back" it read.
I walked back over to Shadow, but I didn't want to worry him so I didn't say anything about the note.

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