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Amy's Pov
"That party was better than expected," I say towards Shadow.
We're in the car driving back home, the ac is off and the windows are down.
You can practically smell the booze on him from a mile away.
"We're gonna make your party better though babe," he says.
Both of his eyes are closed and he's squeezing my thigh with his hand.
I laugh, "for someone who says they can hold their alcohol you don't look very stable to me."
Shadow laughs hysterically and looks out the window. Squeezing my thigh harder his serious aura returns and he's begging me not to ever leave him.
Keeping my eyes on the road and only glancing at him once I tell him "of course."
Of course I'd stay with him forever, why wouldn't I?
Why wouldn't I..right?
In a flash the car swerved and my mind went blank.
'Don't pass out, don't go yet.
You just got into an accident.
Where's Shadow?
Get up!'
You know when time stops and you feel like the only person in the world. When everything seems to go wrong your mind doesn't know how to react.
I woke up to a bright light, Shadow is passed out on the chair across from the hospital bed I lay in.
I don't feel the pain but I can tell that something is definitely broken.
My heart rate monitor speeds up the more I think about the events that led up to me being stuck with a IV and placed in a paper dress.
There are no windows in my room so I have no idea the time, date, and place my body is up in.
"Shadow?" I call out.
No answer.
"Shadow," I call louder.
No answer, he doesn't even shift in place.
Suddenly the door swings open to a white bunny with teal eyes in a nurse outfit.
"Oh, Ms Rose are you okay? How do you feel?" She asks.
I don't know how to really answer, I'm feeling too much and maybe I'm overthinking it but I feel like the worlds most shitty girlfriend.
"I'll be more than okay once I learn that my partner is okay," I must have said that in a rude tone because she looks as if she's giving me a fake smile now.
Walking over to Shadow she puts two fingers on his pulse and tells me he's just really tired.
We talk for a while and eventually she tells me I have a few fractured ribs and a broken ankle.
I figured that something would be broken from being launched threw a car window.
"Ms Rose you've been here for two weeks and a few days. Your accident caused you to go into a mini coma and gratefully nobody sufficed death. You're free to leave but you'll be on bed rest for a few months until your bones completely heal. Do you know what the cause of your accident was?"
My eyes watering from this sudden information shook my head no.
I just remembered the party ending nothing else.
She prescribed me a few more meds and left. At this rate I'll never decode that message.

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