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3rd Pov
The fair was bursting with cheer and praise. Kids were laughing and having the time of their lives at the stands, ball pits, and bouncy houses. Adults were gambling, drinking, and having a good time.

Nobody was left alone and unsecured, Amy made damn sure of that.

Amy, Rouge, and Blaze were giving out autographs and taking pictures with every person imaginable when suddenly Blaze excused herself claiming she had to go to the bathroom.

Nobody thought anything of it.

A few hours later she was found crying by a tree near the bathrooms, drinking some type of alcohol.

"He just won't stop screaming?" Amy asked Cream who had a firm grasp on the yellow fox's paw.

Shaking her head no, she put the rag back in lovers mouth, muffling the screams so that no law enforcement comes and asks for details they don't have.

"It's like an alarm," Knuckles points out.

"More like a cry for help. How has his voice not gone out yet?" Shadow asks.

"He sounds like he's going to explode," Rouge says walking down the stairs from comforting her purple friend to bed.

Amy looked up at Tails, his cheeks now stained with tears, eyes bloodshot. She hooked him up to a machine to check his vitals and had Shadow assist in in putting the IV in his arm.

"OH MY GOD!" Amy shouted running into the backroom to go get some medicine.

The others peered over at the machine and pure fear and terror overcame them all.

Tails had internal bleeding and his organs were exploding from the inside. He also had a high fever of 110 and was sweating profusely.

"What did I tell you?!" Rouge yelled.

"Push him on his back onto the bed and get ready to input the medicine in through the IV," Amy cried.

Everyone followed Amy's instructions, putting the IV in and making sure Tails was upright.

In a matter of minutes the gang sighed in relief at the fox's body temperature decreased.

"Can you give us a minute."

All eyes met with the rabbit and soon turned to the outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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