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Amy's Pov
The first day of me being on bed rest Shadow brought me flowers, a bunch of beautiful roses just for me. Even though I apologized to him 100 times he brushed me off and tells me it's okay.
Around the second week is when things started getting weird. I started hearing noises from outside the house and once, in red, "I'm back" was painted on my bedroom window. At this point I was forced to tell Shadow about the note. He was angry at me for a while and even slept on the couch for a day. When he got over it he came in our room, kissed my hand and told me not to keep secrets. I cried for hours.
Today I'm laying in bed by myself. Alone. Why? Because Shadow works double hours now that I'm crippled.
I hardly get to see him anymore and sometimes I think-
What the hell?
Just as I think that something crashes into my bedroom door followed by a, "Ames, where are you?"
Oh my God.
Fumbling around the covers I scavenged for my phone.
I can never be prepared.
I always have to be saved.
Dammit. Why does it always have to be this way?
"Sweet dear Ames. Once I find you I'll make you my wife. We can be together forever Ames, like you always wanted."
Sonic's footsteps get closer to my room.
I throw the covers over my head and find my phone laying on my stomach.
Unlocking it, I click the emergency button and wait.
The door is locked so it'll take Sonic a while to get in. 2 minutes is all it takes for the police to arrive and find nobody.
"Ma'am are you sure you heard an intruder? Maybe you left a tv on or accidentally activated Alexa," the officer looks right my eyes claiming I'm dumb.
"What? No I swear to you there was someone the-."
"Ma'am this is the 3rd time this week you have done this. If you do this again I'm going to have to report you for hallucinations."
The 3rd time?
Are you kidding?
Am I going crazy?
"Yes, I understand officer."
Shadow's Pov
"So you're telling me that Amy heard Sonic?" Tails' loud voice booms over the phone.
"Yes, I'm telling you that's what she said," I say as I throw my gloves in the back of my car, "The police thinks she's crazy."
There's a pause before Tails asks, "Do you think she's crazy?"
Do I?
"I don't know."
"Well Shadow, maybe you should stay home till she gets off bed rest."
"But then who's going to pay the bills?" I question.
"Oh, right. And Cream is working at the bakery now that Amy's gone. If you'd like I can ask Sonia to stay with her."
"I don't know about that."
"Let's try. She hasn't done anything shady yet."
"Alright, thanks."

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