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Amy's Pov
Sonia came by today. As prescribed by Tails.
I told her about the weird writing on the window and the notes that I believe Sonic's been writing me.
She told me she's going to help me figure out what's really going on.
I don't know if I should believe her, but I have no reason not to trust her.
We go through the note again, comparing it to the picture I took of the writing on the window and we see that it's the same handwriting.
Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Sonia goes to open it.
A few minutes pass and she doesn't come back.
I can't exactly get up because I'm not fully healed so I call out to her to make sure she's okay.
No reply.
I call her name again.
No reply.
I get my phone out and dial her number and as the phone rings I get a message from an unknown number.
Unknown:4:30 11-5-19 Capital.
Someone wants me to meet them at the Capital?
I have to tell Shad-
Unknown: Tell anyone and she'll die.
She? Shit Sonia what the hell.

Shadow's Pov
So much paperwork everywhere. I've only sorted through about 2% of the stacks on stacks on my desk. My cellular device lights up with my girlfriend as my wallpaper.
*3 Missed Calls: Amy Rose*
I put my phone to my head and press the ringer.
"Pineapples taste like trees," she answers immediately.
"But it's bedtime right now," I say back.
We're talking in code, something obviously happened at our house.
"He likes spiders. She is a snake though," she says.
Sonia is gone and Sonic took her?
"I can't go to sleep at the moment because I'm a little bored," she's saying he said he's going to kill her if he found out she told me.
Amy will be able to walk in a few weeks thanks to Tails' new healing potion he's making. But, I have to get home right now.

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