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3rd person
"What do you want me to do now master?"
He smiled pulling the girl closer to him through the chain and collar around her neck . "I want you to hurry up and take everything off you slut."
She obeyed his commands and did whatever he said.
"They're so oblivious to our plan sister. If only they knew what mystery they were getting themselves into."
She walked over to the side of his bed, climbing in.
"Of course brother, they think I've been captured, but we know otherwise."
She smiled intertwining their hands together. He pulled the covers over her rubbing her cheek before kissing her forehead. Then he injected more love serum in her and turned out the lights.

Amy's Pov
God I've had the worst headache week just thinking about Sonia's kidnapping. Good thing is, I'm finally  able to get out of bed and roam around now, just in time for the fair today.
The gang and I host a fair every year in honor of Sonic, but since he's lost his marbles we've decided to host it in our honor instead.
And since Sonia is still out there we have a search team looking for her. Knuckles, Tails, Cream, and Shadow.
I somehow convinced Blaze to stay with me so she can calm her nerves and not do anything rash. We've all been stressed lately.
"These cake-pops are stale," Rouge brings up.
"Then throw them away you dingus," Blaze replies.
Shooting daggers at her I grit my teeth, "be nice."
She puts a hand on her hip and then on her head to straighten her bun.
I get that her girlfriend is missing, and i honestly wanna find her too.

Time Skip~
The fair started already, people are crowding around the booths and playing the games like nothing ever changed.
Shadow and the others are still out searching for Sonia. I wonder how that's going.

Shadow's Pov
I really wish I could be with my girlfriend right now. Except I'm in a forest with a rabbit, a fox, and an echidna. Could this get any worse.
I whipped around to see Tails screaming out.
I ran over to him putting my hands on his shoulders trying to calm him down.
"What's wrong with him?" Cream scampered over.
"I have no idea. He just started screaming out of no where and he won't stop!" I yelled.
She cupped his cheeks and whispered to him softly.
Knuckles stared at them and scoffed turning to walk the other direction when he was suddenly hauled to the ground.
"Ow, shit. What the hell?"
I couldn't hold it in anymore. I busted out laughing.
YOU WANNA SEE WHAT MADE ME FALL WALK INTO THIS!" He yelled pointing at a clearing.
I laughed even harder.
"Bro what, are you telling me you fell because of air?" I asked snickering.
He put his hand on the "clearing" and soon enough his glove started smoking.
What the heck?

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