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Amy's Pov
We made our way over to the party to finish setting up and making everything perfect for Sonia. The note was sealed tight in my purse but I was still trying to grasp what it meant. Was Sonic back? Was he on the way to us now? Is he coming to the party? Where did he go all that time? I don't want to think about what he's been doing out there, what he's been doing to other people. I think maybe I should tell someone about the note because if I don't something could happen and they'll all be mad if I knew something. But at the same time, I don't want to worry them if it's nothing.
"ROSE?!" my dark lover yelled from the other side of the car.
I furrowed my brow, smiled small and asked what he wanted.
"We're here," he said pointing to the house in front of us.
I wasn't even paying attention, I was so lost in my thought I hadn't noticed we pulled up.
I look up at Shadow, grab his hand, then get the cake out the backseat and we make our way into the house.
Immediately I'm struck with the smell of food and icing.
Tails is setting up the balloons around the chair for the birthday girl, Cream is setting the table, and everyone else is either talking, arguing about decorations, or finishing up the food. So to speak, nobody really notices Shadow and I by the door.
Setting the cake down on the counter I ask when Sonia is coming. Blaze says 6 but Silver says 6:30 and now they're going at it.
"Actually. It's 6:15!" Tails exclaims.
Knowing they were both wrong doesn't stop Sliver from still coming at Blaze, who rolls her eyes and tells him he sounds dumb because it's over.
"What can I do to help?" I ask.
Manic hands me a bucket of streamers.
"Put these up please, Rouge is coming in 10 with my sister and everything has to be absolutely perfect," he smirks puts his hands on his hips and tells me to get to work.
Shadow goes and helps Knuckles with the drinks so we can get everything done faster and in 7 minutes we're all set up.
I take my phone out to text Vanilla and the note ends up falling out.
In a quick panic I pick it up and look around to make sure no one saw that, but Manic is giving me a strange look.
"Bitch," he starts, "what the hell was that?"
What do I say?! Think fast Amy!
"A receipt." I say as fast as light which probably wasn't the best idea.
Be chill Amy.
Manic uncrosses his legs from the chair he was so comfortably sitting in.
He puts his hand out in front of me.
"It's just a receipt," I say.
He whispers, "bitch I've basically known you my whole life and I've never seen you get a receipt. So hand it over or I'm gonna cause a motherfucking scene."
I sigh in shame that I've been figured out and I hand him the note.
Opening it he has a confused look on his face.
"What's this supposed to mean?" He asks.
"Hell if I know. It was on the floor in the back of the bakery."
"It could be Sonic."
"I know," my heart suddenly beats fast.
"Or it could be some kids playin' a prank on you."
"I know." Did he truly believe the second one though? "That's why I didn't tell anyone. I don't want to worry them before the party."
Manic sighs, says okay and that he'll keep it secret unless something happens.
"SHES HERE!!" Knuckles announces moving away from the window. The windows are tinted and the lights fly off so it will remain a surprise.
Rouge knocks on the door which is Tails' cue to open it.
Counting to 5 the door opens and Sonia is walking in.
Before she can get the words out we all shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"
The lights come back on to reveal a shocked wide-eyed hedgehog.
Speechless, she looks around before regaining her will to speak and starts crying.
"Thank you you guys," she says, tears of joy streaming down her face. Blaze is the first to hug her and whisper something in her ear.
They're so cute.
The party officially starts when Knuckles popped open a bottle of alcohol and started pouring drinks.

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