
931 18 1

Brooke Adams

Once school was done i picked Jordyn; she was so happy.

"Mummy, i made a friend today"

"oh really what's there name?"

"Her name is Sam"

I was glad she made a friend today, we were walking hand in hand back to the car; i had completely forgot we had to go to the store. My mum asked if i would do the shopping this week and i said yes, Jordyn hated shopping especially food shopping.

When we got there i put her in the trolley and pulled up the list on my phone; we were at the cereal, Jordyn kept pointing to different cereals saying she wanted that one. i quickly grabbed a random box and then quickly getting out of the aisle, i just wanted to go home and watch Disney movies with my daughter.

But my trolley banged into another one but the owner of this trolley was one of the few faces i'd rather not see; Ashton Irwin another back stabber, he dated my older sister Blair for two years and then dumped her over twitter but not a simply dm and full blown tweet for everyone to see.

"Brooke what a nice surprise, i see you have a daughter isn't that sweet" He smiled

I felt sick i wanted to run him down with this trolley, but not in front of Jordyn.

"Jordyn....her names Jordyn" I spoke

"Aww that's lovely"

I had enough of his cockiness and just his overall face and voice, i left him standing there giggling his ass off like some teenage girl, I honestly hated this cause if i randomly run into Ashton with Jordyn; who knows i could randomly walk into Luke and he would be faced with MY beautiful daughter.

As you can tell Jordyn isn't Luke daughter she is mine, Luke might of made half of her but i've been there for her first words and her first steps. While he could be getting thousands of other girls preganant and disowning their mothers.

When i got home i put the bags in the kitchen and my mum put them away, i decided to go see Blair she only lived half an hour away and she hasn't seen Jordyn in a while so why not?.

Once i arrived Blair was more than happy to see me and Jordyn but i had to tell her Ashton was back from tour; which meant trouble for us. I haven't see Luke in 5 years but 7 months ago Ashton was a nice guy, he didn't agree with what Luke done but i did get over it just still a bit hurt.

"Never guess who i bumped into?" i spoke

"Who?" she asked


"Seriously he's back i hate him"

Doesn't everyone? no i thought not everyone thinks he's this big hot drummer dude when really he's a cocky bastard.

"But if he's back that means Luke's back and your daughter might meet her dad"

That's one thing i couldn't let happen, yeah i wanted Jordyn to know her dad it's just she's too young to know what happened and she hasn't asked about him, so why bother?.

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