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I walk up the stairs towards a new destination, each step is repeated with no end.
A foreign word, yet a familiar sound,
The mixture of smells, rubber and vinegar.
The atmosphere is full of disappointment.
The sound, the smell, the feeling,
I become dizzy from it all.
A frustrating noise rings over the speakers,
I'm becoming captive to it all.
The sounds of whispers become louder and louder, until they become screams.
I hold onto the railing of the stairs,
My destination is in sight, but each wobbly step brings another painful shriek telling me to turn back, that I'll never make it.
I drop to a crawl, still pushing my way towards the door, but the voices grab my ankles and shoulders, making it difficult.

The door opens, revealing a couple of silhouettes,
My sight is blurry, thoughts foggy.
One of the figures climbs down the step and placed a hand on my back, beginning to help me upward. Finally the noise leaves, and the smells also adjusts to something of caramel and oranges.
I make my way through the door and felt a weight lift from my shoulders.
I had successfully pushed through the voices.

VOICES: A Stray Kids StoryWhere stories live. Discover now