Chapter 10

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Location?: Bright Port Wolf Tribe, nether portal

I stared at the obsidian portal i knew all too well. I remembered when we banished the man i would have to see. He took my sister and brother down their with him, as well as his own sister. In bringing Haden down there he has to welcome me to heal my brother every few months. I still do not believe 'he' did it by accident. Haden was a light magik user and the nether was a place of shadows. Where our sister Kenly could handle the shadows, he couldn't and the shadow lord was unable to tie me to the nether.
"Be safe sister Trixy." Boldolf spoke and I gave him a small nod. I would always have a soft spot for this village. My sister had planted this as my wake up spot before the wolves had arrived and even though we always had good relations with all werewolves… they took care of me when I awoke. They had no need to, no order to make them, yet they happily took care of me and treated me as one of their own.
"Ill be safe. Do not worry." I smiled and stepped through the portal. As I did I felt my amulet heat up and shake. I had learned over time it was more of an action of excitement and not fear as my brother Haden, the creator of the amulet's, lived in the nether.
"Ms. Trixy." I watched the man of black hair and blue eyes bow. Gene had been the one to retrieve me since he had become a shadow knight.
"I've told you to just call me Trixy." I sighed but i didn't speak up about it again as he once again called me Ms. Trixy before leading me to the fortress.
"How has Haden been this time?" I asked as we walked.
"He's been worse but our lord worries." He sighed
"Well i recommend making a room of pure light. That may be of help to my brother." I sighed and he nodded. He still seemed different so i smiled.
"Should I call you by that stupid name Soea gave you?"  I nudged him.
"Please no. I cannot tell Princess Sora to stop but i can tell you." He growled and i just shrugged.
"Okay then… Gune." I said and laughed. The name was pronounced June and he absolutely hated it.
"Oh that's it!" He took off in the other direction and i just shrugged walking to my brothers room.


I sighed as Haden turned once more, sweating fiercely. I frowned, happy for once my power was healing as it was a light based power.
"Oh Haden…" I was quiet for a moment and Kenly, who was asleep on a chair next to him, twisted slightly in her chair.
"Its gonna be okay." I whispered as my hands began to glow. I put them to my brothers head and soon his eyes began to slowly open.
"Tri...trixy…" he smiled before passing back out. I couldn't help but smile as well and kiss his head before leaving.


I smiled back at Sora as she complained about her life in the nether. I was scheduled to leave in a few nether hours so I decided to spend some time with her. She hated the nether despite being the shadow lords younger sister.
"And Vylad?" I smirked
"W-what? How… did he tell you?" She leaned forward, her eyes widening.
"He did it fact tell me of your kiss. Are you going to actually practice your abilities like he wanted now?" I asked and she shook her head
"You couldn't pay me." She snarled.
"Why do you hate your powers so?" I asked and she groaned leaning back.
"You sound like Shad. He keeps trying to get me to practice. He does such harm with his powers… I have the same powers…" she sounded so sad it broke my heart to hear her.
"But you have saved lives with your power and Vylad knows. He doesn't want you to be like Shad but he wants you to learn your abilities so you can save people like we used to… like Shad used to." I hummed and she sighed nodding.
"I-i'll try…" she whispered and I nodded softly.
"Thats all i ask of you." I smiled


"Welcome back. Did things go accordingly?" Boldolf was at my side the moment I stepped out of the portal. I nodded and gave him a soft smile. I approached the opening of the cave but the alpha stopped me.
"Before you leave… there is another amulet one out there. She claims to be named Grace but she has her memory… you spoke of someone with that name but you told me she lost her memory did you not?" He spoke and my eyes widened. I pushed past him with a brisk nod and soon spotted the girl.
"GRACIE!!" I practically screamed as I tackled the black haired girl. She let out a quiet laugh and wrapped her arms around me in a tighter hug. She burrower her face in the crook of my neck although she was actually taller,and older, then me.
"Trix…" she whispered softly.
"You remember…" I hiccuped and pulled away from the hug to look up at her. We meet each other's gaze and we both siver before our amulets lean forward to touch. She got all my memories of what had been happening and I was given hers.
"I always will… Autumn…"
"Shes still hidden. I can sense her still…"
"Are your souls-"
"We are still tied together, yes. My amulet constantly searches for her as hers does for me." I smiled softly.
"Scarlet is here too. She doesn't remember but she's here. I plan on staying in Bright Port. I can watch the portal and…"
"Your keeping your fiance safe since with your memory your a target. You plan on heading back to him once the portal closes up." She whispered and I nodded softly.
"Stay safe Grace… I found the village named after Phoenix… ill be staying there." I spoke and she nodded smiling
"Ill stay safe… and if you see Laurence tell him im sorry…" I nodded before walking to Bright Port so i could leave.
"Wait! Do still have teleportation mastered?" I nodded back ather and she grinned.
"Me too." She laughed and i giggled before teleporting away.

The Rose ; The Amuletas #1 (Aphmau Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now