Chapter Two: Mission

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Omnia went deep into thought as class went on, he wanted to do things before school ended which was in 2 periods. His mind drifted and before he knew it he fell asleep he dreamt of his old friends but something shifted in his mind he was in a park and he was standing there silently with an unknown girl beside him, then heard a bang! And he awoke, he swiftly looked around panicking at the sight of no one in the class room he checked his phone and it was 3:00 school had ended. He ran out of the class room with his bag and phone look around for one person, one teacher, one student, he saw a brown striped glow, he recognised it from the girl next to him in class.

Thinking quickly Omnia ran after her and yelled "WAIT!" The girl turned around and they banged heads "Owie!" yelled the girl holding her head on the floor "Crap, I'm really really sorry!" Said Omnia Holding one hand against his head and another towards the girl, she took his hand and was hoisted upwards "I didn't mean to bang into you! I was just worried because no one was in the class room and it was the end of school" the girl stared at him with a confused look on her face "I don't think you know this but school ends in 30 minutes, not now we have art right now" said the girl "What?! Ah! I'm so so sorry for everything being new is hard and no body has showed me around!" Swiftly replied Omnia "if you want I can show you around." Said the girl intrigued "thank you, and by the way I didn't catch your name." He said with happiness and curiosity "My name is Pulchros Inlucem But my friends call me Pully. Ah come on we're 10 minutes late to class!" She exclaimed as she grabbed Omnia's hand and ran, Omnia didn't know it then but that moment was the start of something beautiful.

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