Chapter Sixteen: The Empitos

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"Let's do it" Ms.Historia said with determination, and they blasted off. Everyone was flying nervously trying not to fall off, Vasasta was trying to focus on the sky Infront of him instead of Cat's head leaning against his back, Pully while flying called out Omnia's name because his head too was leaning on her back instead he was sleeping silent and peacefully, Reaper was in a more awkward situation than when Vull first got hugged his back, not only had she been holding on tight but she hadn't moved and inch since she had got onto the Bagion so Reaper didn't move incase not to scare her. As everyone was flying amazing things passed down below them, there were huge mountains bigger than anything Pully had ever seen, and there were creatures bigger than elephants, finally they were just about fly over see until Mr.Es signalled everyone to land at a patch of dirt.

everyone got off their Bagion and as soon as they landed Vull popped up still hugging Reaper and jumped off embarrassed, Omnia fell off too but it was because the landing was rough and he was in too deep of a sleep to feel the momentum of him falling down, Cat and Vasasta both got off but Vasasta was thinking about what had just happened the whole flight. "Alright everyone listen! We'll be going off to sea right after we jump back into the Bagion, anyway since it's dangerous at sea we'll be introducing your own magical creatures, now listen the creatures you'll be summoning will not only be tailored to your powers but will also help serve and have a personality suited to yours," Mr.Es said firmly, "Ok to summon your creatures you have to shout out these words specifically, the way you say the words and feelings you feel at the moment will be tailored to the summoning of you creature, you say Hipami Chima"

Vasasta was stuck in his mind thinking of various things until Cat came over, "Hey Vasasta I was just thinking, since I made the trip uncomfortable for you maybe you'd want to summon the creature with me? You don't have to if you don't want to but I'd just like to repay you" Cat said kindly, Vasasta was taken off guard by this kindness and didn't know how to respond "Y-You didn't make me uncomfortable I enjoyed the trip a lot! I mean not a lot but it was an ok trip and you didn't do anything wrong, I mean. Uh. Tch. Yes of course I'll do the summoning with you Cat but this is how you repay me, nothing else!" Vasasta said quickly, Cat was happy and just thought of one thing no one, not even Vasasta noticed, Vasasta said Cats name without any insult. Vasasta and Cat both Summoned their Creatures while Reaper and Vull were using wide hand expressions while saying the spell, they accidentally touched hands and both ran behind opposite sides of the Bagion, both of their creatures were summoned while they hid and last were Pully and Omnia. Omnia Shouted and so did Pully at the top of their lungs, Pully exhaled so much air that she fell back into Omnia, he caught her while she was stuttering and apologising, all of the creatures were summoned and were with the teachers. "Alright everyone all creatures here are unknown to anybody but I think they all suit you" Mr.Es said happily, he and Ms.Historia stood away and the creatures were revealed, everyone gasped.

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