Chapter Eight: Classes

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There was a high ringing sound. Omnia awoke from his sleep and was dazed and confused, "what could be making this sound?" He thought, there was a knock on the room door and in less than a second it opened. "Get out here all of you! It's time for you power awakening lesson." Mr.Es exclaimed, Reaper and Vasasta suddenly woke up in a jolt, behind Mr.Es was Cat and Pully waiting. After 20 minutes all the hero's were in the awakening classroom, there was a huge pearl orb with individual squares on it showing what seemed to be different types of powers, "Hey your name sound like cat the animal" Pully told Cat "SILENCE" shouted Mr.Es "I'm leaving for one second and I'll be back NO ONE TOUCH ANYTHING" he shouted before running off into the hall. "What's that orb?" While walking towards it with Pully "I don't know, let's touch it!" Said Pully, In a jolt reaper ran towards them yelling "NO!" But it was too late, in a flash of blinding white light Pully and Cat had transformed into creatures.

"W-What happened!?" Shouted Both Pully and Cat. Mr.Es rushes back into the room and saw both Pully and Cat right next to the orb shaking, he sat them down with a stress reliving toy and went to his desk and explained "that 'Orb' you touched is called the Awakener, the squares show the powers previous hero's have chosen all the data is there, to get the power you have to think of what type you want and it seemed... you were both thinking about cats." At a closer look both Pully and Cat had Cat like ears and a furry tail, "So our powers are Cat?" Asked Pully "Yes but it's more useful than you think, you have night vision, you can jump high and land with impeccable accuracy and of course can attack with you claws" Mr.Es replied, instead of being scared Pully and Cat were starting to get excited by their new found powers
"Let's see I was suppose to tell you your specific power alone but I've told you your feline powers Infront of the other heroes. It doesn't matter! Reaper, I have to tell you about your powers Then Omnia you'll be last to get your powers! Now class go to the library over there to your right, it's next to my office so if anything happens tell me. The library is full of books of different powers so you'll be able to study your powers and learn how to use them, ill teach you once I'm done with Reaper and Omnia" said Mr.Es excitedly. Reaper followed Mr.Es into his office, he got a book out and started reading the following to Reaper;

The power Grim Reaper is very powerful it rivals holy magic, those who have the power can summon skeleton warriors to fight for them, fly at great speeds as well as teleport if strong enough, and send out Green flames that take any shape or form wanted. If the user has an enchanted weapon with the power the weapon can do the following; be moved at great speed by the user using his fingers, use the users flames, deflect any projectile no matter how strong or fast.
Reaper was happy with his new knowledge of his powers and left the office and joined the others, not long after Mr.Es came for Omnia, as they walked to the Orb Omnia tried thinking of power, but couldn't think of anything his mind was racing with new questions, little did he know that one question in particular would lead to the power he would get. "Ok Omnia just touch the Orb and think" Said Mr.Es, as Omnia was walking towards it he tripped still thinking of the questions, his hand slid down the Orb while falling and there was a huge flash, and he passed out.

When he woke up he was in the nurses room in a bed suddenly a woman came in and asked how he was, he was confused at first but remembered that woman was the nurse! Ms.S! Omnia said he was ok but asked what happened "It seems the power you have overwhelmed you, don't worry it's common, by the way I like your new look your powers have given you." Said Ms.S happily as she walked away, Omnia rapidly pulled checked his face in the mirror in the nurse room, he was astonished at his new look, he didn't understand how magic, power or holy whatever he thought could do this to him, he had pure white hair and and red eyes with 8 little red stripes on his cheek "OMNIA!" He heard 4 voices yell, he looked and saw Pully, Reaper and Mr.Es run in with Cat right behind, they all hugged him except Mr.Es with a serious look on his face after everyone left Mr.Es sat on Omnia's bed and said seriously "Listen Omnia..."

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