Chapter Eleven: The Tournament

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Reaper and Vull stood forward to face each other. There was an eerie silence in the chamber "Reaper!" Pully's voice shouted, he turned but she saw her talking to cat Reaper then realised his mistake. In less than a second Reaper was punched across the chamber hitting the wall, but he stood his ground "Wow smart you realised it wasn't her but it was too late for ya haha! Not many people can whistand my attacks do props to you!" Vull shouted to him "Alright. Let's do this" Reaper said with a serious look on his face, suddenly his cloak grew larger enveloping him in the process "huh?" Vull confusedly said, she picked up the cloak but Reaper was gone, Vull quickly turned around panicking and expected him to be there but he wasn't, he was gone.

"Haha! Turd hair ran away because he was too scared to fight a girl!" Vasasta said laughing, there was a moment of silence and then, Reaper appeared behind her and punched her back with his green flames "Agh!" Vull shouted "Were did you come from you can't be invisible!" "Not telling, beat me and I will" Reaper replied "H-Hmph! Fine then!" They were both ready to fight again, Vull went invisible and Reaper flew in the air, he summoned skeletons to fight for him but they were being destroyed by Vull's quick fighting skills, Reaper was getting frustrated and threw his cloak on the floor, at that moment an idea struck him, he threw his cloak at Vull who couldn't dodge it as it was expanding she was inside it and was teleported into the air, she fell and Reaper kicked her downwards, it seemed this fight was over but Vull still had spirit in her, she turned invisible and started confusing him with different voices she made, With Reaper now open and confused she punched him and he fell down the the ground.

Although he was blocking her attacks he was hurt badly. Finally he summoned his scythe and slammed it between them mid fight, "What're you doing?" Vull asked "I'm stopping the fight, I surrender, I'm too tired to continue" Replied Reaper, Mr.Sui came into the room with a recording of the fight, "Well done both of you! I'm proud of you Reaper for keeping your own, and Vull your speed was impeccable!" Alright! Next group Cat and Pully!" He said happily "guess it's our turn to fight, no hard feelings ok?" Said Cat to Pully "Haha, yeah don't be sad when I win!" Pully replied, they both walked forwards and stood facing each other like the Reaper and Vull did before, "BEGIN!" Mr.Sui said.

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