Chapter Three: Something Horrible

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Pully told Omnia to listen to her plan she explain that if she snuck into class and then Omnia knocked on the door telling the teacher he was lost and new the teacher wouldn't be mad. They followed the plan, the teacher saw Pully sneaking in and saw Omnia's silent and still shadow and they were both given detention, the school they were in (called Nilat Middle school) offered two options for detention, either do the 2 hours of detention immediately when given or stay after school in detention, obviously most people took the immediate detention to get it out of the way and that's exactly what they did, in defeated Omnia and Pully slowly walked to the detention lounge and sat down.

Naturally as Omnia was curious he looked around the room, it was old and rustic, there were 10 old wooden desks and chairs (the layout was 3 chairs in the back 4 in the middle and 3 in the front) there was a black board at the front of the room with chalk and as the principal wasn't in school that day they were unsupervised, Pully sat with Omnia at the back of the room which had 3 seats there was a boy with a hoodie completely covering his face next to
Omnia. He flinched as Omnia sat down.

Pully played with her phone while Omnia spaced out at the clock, suddenly he heard an almost dead silent whisper that sent a chill down his spine. "So your one of them huh." Omnia looked around the room as fast as he could, but couldn't locate the voice it continued talking to him and he listened closely as not to miss a word it would say "You can't find me. I wonder who you are. Were you come from." It seemed no one but Omnia heard the voice, suddenly a new voice appeared it was screeching deadly noises and was horrific, the only sentence Omnia could decipher was "I W O N D E R I F Y O U K N O W!?!?" Omnia was alert at this point and was looking everywhere but couldn't see anything, he was confused shocked and terrified to see a boy (or better called a thing) walked towards the door at the very moment the screeches ended.

Omnia was just about to run after it before he felt a hand grab his shoulder to stop him, he looked behind him to see the boy with the hoodie looking at him, he whispered "stop..." and Omnia's face from confused fear turned to puzzled shock and he recognised it from the first voice had heard before. As he was about to ask him all the questions he had thought of, the bell rang, detention had finished and the mysterious boy was gone, the only thing left was a note on his chair saying "Meet meet me at the park, at 4:20" Omnia picked it up and stared and put it in his pocket.

At the exact moment he did that, he felt a touch on his shoulder, he grabbed the hand and turned around swiftly only to see Pully, he froze. he slightly blushed and pulled his hand away quickly apologizing she laughed it off and they walked home together. Later that day he thought of the note and the voices, and he eventually fell asleep.

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