Free day..

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" I need to talk to you"


"Yes sir.. about what?" I asked Commander Erwin.
" are really good defending our wall, and protecting other people.."  noo..not really..Armin.. ,"and because of that we want you near the King and just for couple of weeks days or maybe even months. We are understaffed so we really need you. Anyway. Do you know 'kenny the ripper' ?" "Yes I do..but it's just a story..right?" Why is that taking so long?? "No not really he is real. And he is back..we just want you to protect the King and the others till we captured him.." "sir I am not sure I won't be near my people..but I guess I take the job.." "Thank you Mikasa..the departure is tonight. It is not far from here. So maybe you can visit us or we can visit you.." I nod. He leaves. Ugh.. it's not really great to leave. Now I want breakfast or I will starve. "Oi, brat I heard you are leaving us?" Levi.. "yes but not for long. So yeah.." "I know Kenny. He is..not that easy to fight. So you have to be careful. Really I mean it!" His eyes are full of worry. "Shorty nothing will happen I promise!" Stupid, stupid  why should I promise him..we aren't friends..are we? "Whatever...just don't's an order!" Without any reply he leaves to the mess hall. I wanted to follow him but I couldn't.

Levi POV

Why did I say that...'just don't die that's an order'  what does that even mean. Ohh stupid me. She has to think that I am weird. "Hey..buddy why so depressed?" Shitty glasses.. "why so happy ?" She glares at me. "Because we don't have anything to do today!!" I stop walking. Right we have a free day so I can ask Mikasa to hang out! "I hope you asked Mikasa out?" my eyes widened. "Ho-w do you know?" "Why do I have to explain it to everyone. She likes you..and you like I am going to have some breakfast..bye bye!" I was never so nervous in my whole life. I see blouse getting some food. "Oi, blouse. Did you see ms Ackerman?" " Oh she is ehh is with Eren I guess. Look behind you sir!" I turn around. She really sits next to him. It's my chance to make the first move. 'She likes you..and you like her!' I guess I have to trust Hanji. Okay.. let's go

"Eh.. Ackerman?" She gets up and saluts. "Can we talk alone?" She nods. Again her red scarf covers her face. "ehm would you like to hangout? Together...or something like that?" She glares at me. Is that a good sign or not? Tch..what am I even doing. I am about to leave but she holds my arm. "Yes I would love to shorty.." I smiled at her. "afternoon?" She nods. I was never so happy before. The cold Mikasa...not showing any emotion Mikasa said yes. Hanji stares at me. I show her thumps up. She is also happy.

Mikasa POV

I can't believe what just happened. Oh crap I need to make sure I look okay. I am back at the girls room. It's almost afternoon. Oh no what should I wear. Oh i know. I have a long light green skirt. And a white blouse perfect. This time I wont take my scarf. I feel almost naked without it. But I need to. It'll look akward if I have a scarf on. I brush my hair. And I am ready to go. But something is bothering me. The scarf under my eye. Eren tried to kill me as a Titan. But it wasn't his fault. Now it's a part of me. It knocks on the door. I open it and it is him. "Looking good shorty!" " too brat!" We both laughed. Was it even possible. Levi and laughing?

Levi POV

She is so beautiful. Wow.."looking good shorty!" "Tch too brat!" We both laughed. Wait..I can laugh. I didn't even know that. She so cute when she is happy.

We are on the top of the wall. We could see some Titans passing by.  "I thought I hated you..but now I don't even know what I feel.." I look at her. She hated that hurts. "Yeah I thought to.." "can I ask you something?"  I nod. "Petra and there something?" I completely forgot about her. She is a good friend..too good. In the last few days we did a lot together. But it meant nothing for me. "No..there is and Eren, anything between you both?" She shook her head. "Well.. I thought something was there. But he always friend zoned me. He said that I was more like a sister. As I was a kid. He saved me getting kidnapped. He killed for me. And we were both very young. His family has accepted me. Because mine was killed. He gave me the red scarf. And because of that I swore that i will protect him. And I will protect you.." she whispered the last thing but I could hear what she said. We look at each others eyes. Our lips are just few Inches apart. Suddenly someone called for her. "Mikasa you comin'? Your ride is prepared!" "Yes sir!" "Good bye shorty !" "Tch...see you soon brat"

That's sweet isn't it? Any mistakes in this part?

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