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We did it. We build three ships. Tomorrow we will finally go out of this. Eren is awake. He still has to rest, but he got happier. Wich makes me happy. To see him smile makes me laugh.

Levi's arm Arm is healed. He can use it to everything he wants to. Tomorrow we will be out of here. Jean , Sasha and Hanji are also very excited. To live a life without fear..is an incredible feeling.

Right now we have breakfast. After we ate, we need to prepare our ships. They need to be ready tomorrow.

"Oi, brat get moving we don't have time!" "Don't be so rude Levi!" "Get moving horseface!" Levi looks normal again. We decided to be a couple. Finally we can love each other without any worry. "Hey...I have a question..shorty?" "Go ahead brat" "you know the fight we had..at our first training?" "Tch..yeah I beat you" "yes you beat me with cheating!" He shakes his head. "No brat. That was skill" "wanna rematch?" He chuckles. I look mad at him. "Wanna rematch!!!??" He nods. "If you want to lose again!" I shake my head. Not this time..not this time.

We both are in our fighting position. This time he attacks me. I block his fist and punch back. He doesn't have any idea how much I trained. I am faster and stronger. I hit him right into his lovely face. He stumbles back. "Ouch...that hurts right?" He chuckles. Oh that makes me angry. I attack him. And again he kicks my knee, so I fall down. Before he could reach my face I get back up. I aim for his face, before I could hit him he blocks me. What a jerk. I am back into he ground. He holds both of my arms. He sits on my chest. His face is close to mine. I can feel his breath on m lips. Suddenly I feel his lips on mine. After he kissed me, he helps me to get up. "And what was that for?" He chuckles. "I don't know..well I guess I win..again!" My face gets red. "Not cool shorty..not cool!"

Today we will sail away from here. Everything is ready. We just need to get the people on board. Our horses are also ready.

I get in my horse. My hands are shaking. I am nervous. I will leave my home. I will leave the 'save' walls. I look at my friends. Everyone looks happy. Except Levi. He shows as always no emotions.

Hanji gives us a sign to ride. I feel the wind in my face. I feel joy. For the first time of my life. Finally free. Out of the walls. A new chapter of my life. We ride past the wall of Maria. Dried blood is on the wall. Painful memories come back. No it's not the time for it. Suddenly a whole herd of titans came running up to us. I look at Hanji. She has to give the order. "Attack the Titans!" We all nod. First of all I count the Titans. Eleven of them. Four abnormals. I jump on the arm of a normal Titan. First nape cut, second nape cut, and already three kills. I look at Levi. He already killed five. After we killed all of them, our ride continues.

We finally arrive at the ocean. It sounds peaceful. Whatever. The ships are in the water. People and the king get on one of the ships, our horses and other materials on the other ship, and the recruits, soldier and commanders are in the last ship. We recruits are on the ships to control the ships. Commander Hanji controls our ship. I sit on a bank. I admire the ocean very much. Oi brat, what are you doing?" "Will you ever stop to call me brat?" "Only if you stop calling me shorty.." "well I guess it'll never stop" both of us chuckle. I look at his grey eyes. How beautiful they actually are.

Levi POV

I look at Mikasa's eyes. How beautiful they actually are. But there is a water drop on Mikasa's cheek. She is not crying. And again. Another drop of water. I look above me. It's raining. Shit. A thunderstorm pulls up. The water gets into the ship. Hanji struggles to control the ship. Mikasa gets up to help her. The ship is shaking. Many people lose their balance. Including me. I fall of the bank. Oi...that hurts. I get back up. In the distance I see the sun shining. So there is a way out of this storm. I just have to tell Hanji. Before I could speak to her, Eren falls on my foot. Followed by Jean and Sasha. Like really. "Get off brats!" "We are trying captain!" Jean almost shouts at me.
After they finally got up, I go to Hanji. I show her the way to get out of the storm. The ship shakes again. Hanji could not hold on and falls down. She hits her head. C'mon.. "I think she is unconscious" great. Now I have to get us out of here. Like always.

I try to lead the ship towards the sun. Wich isn't that easy. the steering is very difficult. I look at Mikasa for help. She helps me. Together we steer the ship out of the storm...we made it..

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