Beast Titan

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"It' beautiful" I whisper to myself. Eren doesn't smile. He just looks at the ocean. Hanji grabs my arm. She drags me into the water. Jean, Sasha and Connie make wach other wet. "This water is so salty bahh!" Jean is really funny. I couldn't hold my laugh in. Hanji also tries the water. Her expression is so funny. I have a laugh attack. "Oi,.. what now?" "Nothing..we have the answer..I said the truth..I mean I have seen the truth" Why is he so depressed. "Tch.. well its time to turn back!" we all nod. "Yes sir!"  suddelny someone screams. We all look up. There is a...agiant Titan. He looks at us. He grabs Connie. The titan cruches Connie. His blood is all over us. Sasha starts screaming. She wants to aim for his neck, but i hold her back. "It wont work, you will die!" She wont give up. She has to..

"Erwin what should we do?" Hanji askes him. The giant Titan is about to grab another one of us, but Levi cuts his arm off. The Titan is laughing. "Dont attack him. We wont get him!" He shows us a sign. That means 'we attack if he does not expect it'..a great idea, but I have the feeling that this wont work either. With the ODM gear we fly back to our horses. It is hard to avoid the attacks but there is no way out. Levi sees a chance to attack, because the Titan is focuses at us. But suddenly the Titan turns around. Before he could get Levi, commander Erwin attacks. The titan grab him and also crushes! I hear Levis screams. He continues to attack. But the beast catchs him. He is about to cruch him i wont let him. He killed one of my friend and my commander. He has to pay. He will. I will use all my power for an attack, it is necessar. I shoot my wire to his arm. I run up his arm and cut his hand off, now i aim for his neck, I am almost there. I raise my sword and cut through his disgusting hairy neck. But he pushes my away. I couldnt finish it. Another scream, but it didnt come from the beast. It is Eren. He turned into a titan. No why..he is not so strong. He will get hurt. He wont save us! "EREN!" "He wont listen to you..he is on his own" Hanji knows his titan better than me, because she did some tests. "He will lose wont he?" she nods, "I guess, i dont know for sure. Ugh Eren. Wait..after i saved Levi, i didnt see him after. He sits on the sand. He doesnt want to accept that his friend died. It is not the time to mourn. While he is fighting, I go to Levi. "Stop being's not the time for it. Like you have told me once 'I know you lost a friend..and I did too but you cant let everyone down just because of that' remember?" He smirks at me. "Yes..I do but-" "but what? It's not the same? I also lost Connie, yes we weren't good friends, but his presence is already missing" "we will talk later!" He nods. I hand him my hand. He accepts it. "Thanks for not letting me down" I smile at him. But Erens scream disturbed us. I look up. The beast beat Eren, but also he did damage. "What now?" I ask myself.."I have an idea!" Sasha says. "What if one of us is cuts his feet, the other one his eyes and the last one finally his nape?" She said it quite so the beast doesn't hear us. We all nod. I aim for his eyes. He tries to eat my, but I am faster. Also Eren helps me to escape him. After I cut his eyes I land back in the sand. Hanji cuts his feet, and finally Levi is about to cut his nape. Eren gets out of his Titan. He doesn't have any power left. I pull him out. He is unconscious. Like I said, Levi is about to cut his nape, but the beast has his vision back. Shit. Again I aim for his eyes. I want his attention on me. Before I cut his eyes he pushes me away, but Levi did it, he cuts the nape. We killed him. Jean catches me. "Thank you Jean!" He blushes.

The Titan shifter gets out of his Titan. How can he be still alive? "You did a great job, scout regiment! But I will get my half-brother back!" A abnormal Titan comes to get him. "Remember my name...Zeke Jäger (yeager)we will let again..soon!" All of us are confused. He is Erens half brother. But how...the memory. His father had a family outside the walls. He had a family on a world without any Titans. That's his son..

We are back inside the walls. Ugh I hate it here. Eren is still asleep. But its fine. He needs to calm down.

Dinner time. I am in the girls room. Sitting on my bed, enjoying the loneliness. But someone had to knock on my door. I open it and it is Le- Jean. It isn't Levi. "Jean? How can I help you?" He blushes...again. "ehm..why didn't you come to dinner?" "I am not hungry.." "oh..well I have something for you.." he gives me a white rose. That's sweet but I already have a crush. "Wow..that's nice of you Jean..but I don't think we will be a couple.." he looks disappointed. Ugh I feel bad. I take the rose and hug him. He hugs me back. "Now enjoy your free time! And think about something else!" He nods and smiles.  At least he is happy. I lay back at my bed. Trying to sleep.

Sasha comes in. Not that happy. Well I guess I have to cheer her up. I sit next to her. I dont like to hug anyone. And Jean was an exception. Whatever..let's get through this. I hug her, and suddenly she starts to cry. Great. But I can understand her. She lost her closest friend. Like me.

After she cried a lot, she fell asleep. Now it's time to lay down, and forget the day.. which I couldn't..

Long chapter ... yay. See ya soon.

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