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It's been soooo long. No sign of land. Tch..I knew this won't end good..

"Land in sight!!!" Everyone looks at Hanji. I look forward. She is right. There is land and we are almost there.

We arrivee. We stop our ship to climb down. The other two ships made it too. Luckily no one died. I help Mikasa to get down. "Ehh Captain.." I look up. "Can you help me too?" "Tch..brat get down by yourself.." jean never looked so pissed. He does not really want my help right now, does he? Well however he gets down by himself

"Levi and I will go in. You guys stay here. If we have any new information we will come back!" Everyone nod. "Why me shitty glasses?"  "Because you need to be there...I am a little bit scared!" "Whatever.."

We see some guards coming to us. "Hey..who are you?"  We explain them everything what we know. They start laughing. "No one...and really no one survives there. Everyone is turning into a Titan.." "not everyone.." I said full of anger. "Look buddy..I know that you are lying. And because of that we will arrest you, and your people until we know the truth" Before I could say anything, they already put handcuffs on me and Hanji.

We all are in a cell. Females and males are separated. I can't even see Mikasa. The cell is very disgusting. It's so filthy in here. I sit on the ground, leaning on the cold wall. I try not to think about how filthy it is here. I just want my ODM gear and fly away..with her.

Mikasa POV

The arrested us. Like we are bad people. Idiots. I can't hold my anger. I punch against the metal spears. Hanji, Sasha and Krista are trying to hold me back. Wait I totally forget about Krista. However she seems to be stronger.

"This won't work..Mikasa please stop it.." I shake my head.." "so you guys really want to be captured without havent done anything?" They looked down. "Wow...okay..well I don't want to stay here!" I push, pull and punch the cell door. I know that nothing will happen. But at least I calm down.

"Hey you little b****! Stop that!" A guard says "Who do you call B****?" It was Levi who asks him. I take the change to get the guards keys. I push my arm through the gaps. It's so painful. But...I..did it. I have the keys. I hide them behind my back. The guard looks at me. "I won't do it again...I promise.." I wink with my eye. He leaves the cell. Thank you Levi.

"Guys I have the keys..!" I show the girls what I got. All of them smile again. I try to unlock the cell door. It works. I open it for everyone. After I get out I need to open Levi's cell. And then the others...

Levi POV

None of us looks exited. We thought it would be great here. With no Titans. What a lie..Eren loos disappointed. Did he really think they will welcome us. Us!? We came from the Titan land. They say no one survives our there. And they actually say the truth. How did we actually survive. Who build the walls? If all of them turned into Titans, how was it possible to have a family, How could there be a humanity, if everyone died. How?
I stop my daydreaming again. Time for real life. I see Mikasa in front of the cell. Wait..what. "Mikasa how did you get out of the cell?" She shows me the keys. Clever girl.

We have to get out of here. But how?
We can't live like this. As we try to sneak out, one person fell. "Oi, get back up!" I wishper to him. He nods. What an idiot. "Oh hello mate.." I look up. A guard. Tch. "Let us have a chance here. It was hard enough to survive out there!" "And how do we even know you say the truth?" He points his gun at me. so dirty. "Stop threatening them!" Behind him is an older women. She seems to be his boss. "But the-" "get back to work..they say the truth!" She actually believes us.

She invited me and Hanji for a little talk. "Why do you believe us?" Hanji asks. "Because I also lived there. To be honest I don't know how. I just fall asleep in my bed. And as I woke up..I was here. I just thought that I dreamed a long realistic dream, but today, you guys showed me that it was real!" I don't know what to say. "Can we start a new live here?" Hanji loves to ask. "Yes of course. I already discussed with the government. All of you can stay here.." both of us are shocked. We did it. We actually escaped from a cruel world. Hanji hugs me. She is happy. I know that she is holding in a scream. "Before you aren't any Titans. You just have to work here, live your life, pay your bills and maybe also start a family. But I have a question.." we nod. It sound easy to live here. "How is it to live there. Did you build a wall? I was there twenty years ago. And I am an old women..I just can't imagine to be stranded there. With no hope. And also not knowing the truth.." "'s see your friends make decisions you wouldn't make. Its just like hell. You just suffer. And yes we have a wall, but it doesn't save us. It got attacked many times. We lost al lot of soldiers to fight back. Family and friends gone forever. In order to survive..physical and mentally you must be emotionless and strong. It's not easy!"..

Strongest Soldier? - AoT  #rivamikaWhere stories live. Discover now