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We are accepted. By the government and the resident. People keep apologising to us. We forgive everyone. We want a second chance to start a new life.

The government gave us some houses we need to share. But we have to do everything else. It's nice here. Mikasa and I share a house. We both have a special room here. In this room we have all the memories inside the walls. Our ODM gear, our scout regiment cape, our uniform..and pictures of our dead friends. We decided not to forget our past, because that would mean, we forget everyone. Everyone who meant everything to us. Erwin and Armin. They stay in our hearts forever.

No one's POV

Sasha and Krista share a house together. They became really good friends, but Sasha won't forget Mikasa. They will stay best friends.

Eren and Jean started a weird friendship. They still fight. But they also laugh. So they thought why not sharing a house together. They call it 'house of bros'

Hanji lives with Petra. She has to keep up the work which she had inside the walls. She had a crush on Erwin. Hanji was afraid to tell it anybody. But before she could confess, her love died. Her friends are helping her out. She is lucky to have such good friends. Petra is just a good friend of Hanji. They do not argue, so it's actually pretty calm in their house.

The inhabitants also live in different houses. A new life has started.

Mikasa POV

"Leviiii!" "Yeess?" "Can you please take the trash out?" He nods and takes it out. "Thanks shorty!" It's been amazing here. We live 1 month here and we already did some new friends. Our neighbors are Isabel and Farlan. Both if them are really nice. (I was so sad that both of them died in the anime that I let them live here..)

Levi searches for a new job. We have to pay rent. Levi leaves the house. So it's just me and this very clean house. I always tell Levi that I should tidy and clean the house, but he says that I wont do it right. At least I can cook. I make some delicious bread with his favourite soup. He will definitely enjoy it.

Sasha POV

"Kristaaaa I am sooo hungry!!!" I close the door behind me. I work as a cook. My dream job. I hope Krista made some food. I look in the kitchen and a frustrated Krista sits in the ground. "What happened?" "I am so sorry Sasha, but I can't cook like you so I just made some scrambled eggs. I am so sorry!" I laugh as loud as I can. "Why do you laugh?" "Are you serious its fine! I like scrambled eggs!" She smiles again. We sat down at the dining table and eat our food wich is delightful.

Jean POV

"Horseface! I made some food!" I walk downstairs to see what he did. "Are you serious? It's an apple..AN APPLE!" he looks serious. Suddenly both of us start laughing. "Yeah I know it's an apple but I can't cook. Can you?" "I never tried..let me do something.." "be careful..I don't want to explode!" I smirk. "Won't happen.."

Hanji POV

Petra works as a gardener. I work as a scientist. But today is my free day. So I have to cook something before she comes home. I cooked twice in my life and it never turned out good. So I better be good this time. I try to do a sandwich with salat. Sounds easy.

The door opens and Petra comes in, she sees nothing but a huge  mess in the kitchen. "I am sorry.." I say Petra tries not to laugh. So she tries to enjoy the not delicious food with me. Crap..I thought that would be easy.

Yes I know it's very short but I tried something new. The end of this story is near, so I hope you enjoyed it so far. Only two more parts to go. See ya ^^

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