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Levi POV

We are outside the walls. Yesterday Eren got kidnapped. We ride on our houses for 3 hours. And still we found noth- "Levi..here are footsteps!" I get off my horse to take a closer look. "That could be Annies " We follow the foot prints until we find another clue. "There is...a cave.." I look at Mikasa. She wants to go into the cave. "Wait. We do not know where it goes. And what if they are not here? " She points at Annie's steaming titan figure. A recruit watches our horses while we go in. I have to be careful, I don't want to let anyone die. "Here is Eren!" Sasha unties him. Suddenly someone holds me and holds a knife in front of my neck. "Why can't you just let him go. You have to risk your stupid live for him. Really, I am disappointed" It is Reiner who holds me. I look at my team. But someone is missing. Mikasa. Where is she?

Mikasa POV

Eren is in safety, and I already knocked Annie out. She had no strength left so it was easy to fight her.

Now I have to get my friends out. And Levi. Reiner holds Levi. Oh shit. I know that Levi could get out of his grab. But why doesn't he do that? Why does he wait. I am behind Reiner. I could easily get him. But should I wait? Jean sees my. I give him a sign not to react. But Jean looks stressed. Maybe I should fight Reiner now. Well shit happens. "Let him go..or you will lose your head!" "Oh..Mikasa nice to hear your voice.." he lets Levi go. He has a little wound. He'll survive that. Reiner turns around, raises his hands and drops the knife. Blood drops his neck down. His eyes widens. I thought Levi killed him, but it is Jean who ended it. "thanks horseface!" And immediately he looks bothered again.

We are back inside the walls. Levi is in the infirmary. Like I said ,he will be fine with it. I could not help it. I have to visit him.

"Hey..how are you doing??" "Good.." i nod. He is cold to me. "Need anything?" He shakes is head. I leave the room with some tears in my eyes. No..Mikasa you will hold them back! "Hey what's up Mikasa?" Hanji.."nothing.." "no..what did he do?" "Who?" "Levi..did he say something bad?" "Is that allowed? He and I?" She nods. "yeess, I mean why would I support you guys if it wasn't allowed?" She is right why would she? She hugs me. "I will talk with him..okay?"

Hanji POV

I just wanted to go to the room where Levi is, but I heard Petras voice. "How are you?" He does not answer. "have you thought about us?" Whaaaat. Levi and Petra. No, that can not be true. Does he kidding me? "No I didn't. I don't know if I want to.." "Levi it's okay. You don't have to like me back. I just wanted to get rid of it this thought. I have confessed and now I feel bettr" I hide when she came out. Now it's my turn.

"Not you shitty glasses!" He wants go to his office. "Yeah it's me..I have to tell you, that you have to confess to Mikasa!" I close the door behind us. "Look. It is not allo-" "it is allowed!!" He doesn't believe me. "Do I have to call Erwin?"

"Yes it is allowed. For a long time it's allowed. Many people before your time actually were a couple" "thank you Erwin. You can continue to your work!" He nods. "So Levi...do you believe it now?" He gets up and leaves the room. "What is that for an answer!?"

Levi POV

"Eren did you see Mikasa?" He shakes his head. " " She didn't even come to dinner so I don't know where she is. Oh by the way, thanks for saving me !" "Tch..Whatever!" I roll m eyes. "Springer, did you see Mikasa?" "she went towards the exit" I nod. Where is she? I see her on the wall.

"Do you have time? To talk?" She doesn't answer. "I don't have any idea how to apologise" she doesn't look at me. "Will you forgive me? I really like you Mikasa.. I really do!" I feel two strong arms around me. She hugs me. "Yeah I forgive you shorty!"

I hate me for making it short....

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