Once again

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"Do you break up with me?"


Suddenly many people start screaming. Hanji pushes the door open. "We have a problem..the beast Titan is back. And he breaks the wall!" Levi takes his ODM gear and runs out of his office. My eyes fill with tears. No..Mikasa focus on the beast. You will kill the beast and you will kill your emoitions. The Mikasa with no emotions will come back. I dont cry anymore. Emotionless. Like before.

I grab my ODM gear and run out. Many dead bodies are on the ground. Why did I 'break' up with him. Stupid thoughts.

I finally killed some Titans. But the beast also killed many of my friends. Luckily none of my best friends. "Mikasa heelp!" I see Hanji almost getting eat. I cut the nape of the Titan. She thanks me for saving her live. I nod. Not in the feeling for talking right now. The beast was busy with other recruits. So I took the chance to kill him.

I run up his arm and I am about to cut his nape, but he gets me. I am ready to die. I close my eyes, waiting to get killed, but Levi cuts the beasts hand and gets me. He looks at me but I couldn't. He leaves me on the ground. " Thanks for saving me" he nods. The beast Titan gets angrier. He breaks the wall. Many Titans are rushing in. Without thinking I cut the nape of many of them. My gas is almost finished. Shit. Levi aims for the beast aim. And jean gets catched from a Titan. What should I do. Help Levi or help jean. I cut the nape of the Titan. Before Jean could thank me I was already on the way to Levi. 
He couldn't die. I cut the beast eyes. But he already got Levi. "NO!" I cut his hand. I get Levi and bring him on the ground. "You okay?" He shakes his head. He points at his arm. His arm looks broken. "Ohh..shit. Ok look I don't have any gas, and you can't fight, so give me your gas. And go inside!" "Are you crazy? I can't let you alone here!" Our eyes meet. "Please listen to me!" He wants to get up but he couldn't. I force him to give is damn gas. Finally he agrees. After I changed my gas I aim for the nape of this shitty monster.

"AHHAAA" A groan. Eren. I look at his Titan form. Many Titans attack him. Again. A dilemma. I can't. I need to end this. I'm sorry Eren. Please survive! I aim for the beasts nape. He didn't notice me. Before I cut his goddamn nape, he notices me. Crap. Now or never. I cut his nape. I did it. "Yeees!" I scream not realizing that his body gets hot. My gas is almost finished. I have to get of him and save Eren. I couldn't let him down. It's so hot. Shhiiit. I aim for one of the Titans wich is attacking Eren. I could kill three of ten. Seven left. But I do t have any gas left. I see Levi looking at me. His eyes are filled with tears. But why? Okay..I don't have any gas. But I could kill them without. For sure. I guess..I think. However...I need to make it work.

Levi POV

I look at Mikasa. The girl of my dreams. A person like me, but also so different. Emotionless and careless. She doesn't show it...like me. But inside she is full of emotion. Careful and nice.

She has no gas left. My eyes full with fear. I want to help her Soo badly but I can't. My arm is hurting like hell. She is not going to die. I know it. She can take care of herself. I need to accept that.

Mikasa POV
I jump from arm to arm. I killed two more Titans. Only five left. One of them is an abnormal. He leaves Eren to get me. Shit. I can't avoid him without my gas.. Shit. Don't panik. I don't need this. I breathe out of my nose. Relax Mikasa. Relax. I change my blades. New and sharper. Good. I  jump on he abnormals hand. I run down his arm to his lovely nape. Almost there. But the abnormal wants to get me. He uses his other hand to catch me. I block every attack. I don't have any power left but still I run. I can't die. I have to live for everyone. Specially for Levi. I have to be with him. I jump on his other hand and run to his nape. Done. Four more to go. This is going to be hard. I have already exceeded my limit. But i can't give up now...can I? "Mikasa you got this I believe in you!" I look at Levi. He believes in me. Okay good. Suddenly a Titan grab me. It opens its mouth wide. I am about to die. Again, but this time won't accept it. I scream for my life. The Titan suddenly let go of me. I fall down, I can't move. Hanji catches me. She also killed the Titan. "Thank you Hanji..you have saved my life" "Everytime..but be more careful next time" I nod.  She lets me on the ground. Levi hugs me immediately. "Please...please don't do this again. Be careful!" I hug him back. "I promise you, but Eren-" "look..horseface and potatogirl saved him. I think he is injured..bit he is still alive" i smile at him

"I am sorry what I said in your office..it wasn't me. I was scared" "you really broke my heart and it wasn't cool what you did. But I kinda understand you..brat" we both smile at us. We are in the infirmary. The fight is finally over. The Titans are dead. And the beast Titan is also dead. I hope he won't show up again. Eren is in a coma. He got a lot of damage. I didnt even notice.

Levi has a broken arm and I have almost nothing. Just down bruises and a broken rib. Nothing else.

I lay on my comfortable bed. Its so soft and cold. Just as I like it. Goodnight world...

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