First plan

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We have started to build ships. We have to transport the resident. Its not easy to build 3 ships. Everyone is helping. Including the king. Eren dosent belive us. We told him, that he has a half-brother, but he wont belive us. His choice. Levi and I are kinda a thing. But we didnt say the three words. I love you. Its weird, but i have to wait. "Mikasa do you want to eat dinner with me?" "Sure, shorty" he looks pissed. I couldnt help but chuckle. Well he chuckles too.

We get our food and sit next to Hanji. Since commander Erwin is dead, she changed a little bit. She is now the new commander. Its not easy to replace a friend. "When are the ships finished?" "In couple of weeks. If we work harder, they will be finished in few days.." We nod. After we ate our dinner, Levi and I wanted to go for a walk. "Ehm..Mikasa..can I talk with you?" I look behind me, it is jean who wants to talk to me. "Alone?" He nods. We go a little bit away from Levi.

"What do you want to talk about?" he is nervous. "Look..I know you have a boyfriend, and you already told me that you dont feel the same way..but I need to tell you that i am in love with you. Yes its weird, but since i first met you, I have those feelings!" I dont know what to say. "Thats sweet, but-" he looks away from me "Levi!" "Yes horseface?" "Wanna fight for Mikasa?" Levi laughs. I grab Jeans arm. "Dont do will get hurt!" "I dont care.."  "I dont want to hurt you horseface. It will be painful!"

Both of them are in the fight position. Why Jean..why? We are alone outside. I am glad that no one will see him get hurt. This will be less embaressing. Jean makes the first move. He goes for Levis head. Levi blocks it. I hope he doesnt break anything.

Jean keeps up well, but Levi is getting harder to avoid. I could barely stand this. Suddely Levi kicks his face. ugh. Jean spits one teeth out. "Okay enough..please stop fighting!" Both of them wont listen to me. I have to go between them, to stop them.  I grab Levis ear, and i grab Jeans ear. Both of them groan of pain "Now..stop behaving like little children!" "But-" "No...Jean there is no but!" he finally nods. Jean leaves the court yard. "Why did you stop us. He needed a lesson!" "levi know i only have feelings for you" He hugs me. I give him a kiss.

Some days passed. Jean didnt look at me since the fight. Eren wants to be alone, and Levi has paperwork to do. Uuuugh. One ship is already finished. That means two left. Sasha and I got best friends. I really like to talk to a girl. I really missed it.

Two Ships are finished. I didnt talk to Eren for 3 weeks, he doesnt want anyone around. This has to stop now. I go this room, I push the door open. Eren is about to chane his clothes. shit. I close the door immediately. After couple of minutes, he opens the door. "Heeey Eren..sorry for pushing the door open" he nods. His nod makes me angry "And stop being so negative! I dont want you to be alone. You should have fun! We should have some fun..we are best friends arent we?" "Yes we are..I just dont feel to talk.." "Eren stop this bullshit and help us. Now!" He gets his stuff and leaves the room. "Nice talk Mikasa" I look next to me. It is Levi. I smile at him...

Many weeks passed, and nothing special happened. Its was so boring. I wish Armin would be here. Not even Titans are to see. All of them just vanished. I just want to have some action. But there is nothing. Eat- work-break-work-eat-sleep. Thats my day routine. Really sad..I know. I look for Levi. I need to tell him something, wich i have been thinking the whole week. It's something I couldn't get out of my mind. I am not even sure if I should tell him. I found him. Now or never Mikasa. Before he could get his food I grab his arm.

"Levi...need to talk"I run to his office. "Why now..we will miss dinner! Mikasa!"

"I know i should have told you..but i didnt know if its right,I lo-ove you.." his eyes widen. finally I tell him what i wanted soo bad. "I love you too..but why do think that this not right? Dont you want to have a relationship with me?" I nod. My heart just broke into several pieces. What am i just saying. His look on his face hurts me."I mean..I never felt this before..its an amazing feeling but i dont know  if this will hold for ever.." "I dont you break up with me?" I dont know levi..I dont know

will she break up with him? What do you think?

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