Chapter 2

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Book 1- Life



"Daisy. Sweetheart, are you awake?"

I lazily opened my eyes and found my mother sitting at the edge of my bed. I turned on my stomach and placed my pillow over my head.

"Mom.", I groaned, "5 more minutes. I'm not ready to go to school."

"What are you talking about? You go to school at the castle. And plus, it's the Summer."

"Than why are you waking me up so early, mother? If I may ask?"

"Hello. We're packing our things. We have to catch the train in a couple of hours to go to the Mushroom Kingdom."

"OH MY STARS! I FORGOT WERE VISITING PEACH!", I gasped and sprung out of bed.

"....That was fairly easy."

"Maybe it was. But I totally forgot."

"Oh you. You two girls get so happy when you see each other."

"Yeah! She's my cousin. Someone I can talk to about....things."

"Like what? Boys? Dresses? Who your going to marry in the future?"

"Haha! No.", I said while picking out a dress.

I picked my favorite orange and yellow dress. It had my signature flower pendulum on it, with orange highlights at the bottom and such.

"But I thought you loved the arrangement of marriage? And girly things?"

"I do not. You do. I just talk about it because Peach likes to. Its not really much of a big deal."

"Than what do you two mainly talk about?"

"Sports, of course!", I said, "She's interested in them too."

"Daisy, can't you just act more....lady-like?"

"Okay mom. What is 'lady-like'?"

"Well for starters. A lady always wakes up at the crack of dawn. Then-"

I zoned off while my mother was doing another one of her "Young Lady" speeches. I should be getting yelled back in reality in 3,2,1....



"Were you paying any attention to what I just said?"

"You said a lady never gets her dress dirty and/or a lady shouldn't even play a sport while attending kingdom affairs. And that I'm suppose to have excellent posture at the table while I'm eating, using a napkin, and talking at a well-manner with exquisite posture by sitting in my seat correctly and making direct eye contact with guests and or hosts or hostesses."

"...Good. Well, I see your that your fully awake now.", my mother said, "I'll be downstairs in the Dining Hall. Be sure to be down for breakfast in 20 minutes. Your father hates it when your late."

"Oh I will. I'm going to make sure what happened last month never happens again."

"Please don't. I got headaches every night when he kept talking about it for the last 4 week's."

"Wow. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. Your father may be annoying sometimes, but I still love him...sometimes."

I laughed. And so did my mother when she left my room.

My parents. Such clowns. But they're my clowns.

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