I was young...
7 years ago
I was temporarily on the queens peace committee. We were sent on a mission to Pantala.
The first time I saw Queen Aphid. She was beautiful. Her mother Queen Spider was deathly ill. Her last words were let Aphid be queen. So she was thrown into the royalty status the same day we arrived. She was crying when we entered. I didn't know what made me so mad seeing her like that. But I suggested we let her grieve.
Queen Aphid was grateful. She hugged me. The next day she was still sad but she smiled at me. That made my day. I smiled back. Her smile warmed me up inside. She was pretty and kind and playful.
"Ewww don't call my mother playful." Honeydew whined
"Hey. Don't interrupt my story."
Anyway. The days we were there I spent the most time with her. I looked into her pinkish eyes and told her I would be back. She believed me.
When we left it was the hardest thing I had ever did.
When we got back the queen asked if I wanted to permanently be on her committee. I gleefully said yes. And as soon as I found out we were going to Pantala again I was so excited. I would see my friend? I would have to call her my wife.
Before we left the Queen told me if I did this right I could marry her oldest and most likely to be queen daughter. And that wasn't a request. She would make me marry Galaxy.
"No offense Galaxy you're wonderful."
As soon as I saw Aphid my heart melted.
She had two other dragons with her but I only payed attention to her. The point was we got to stay her for almost a year.
We talked at night. Had little secret meetings. We gave each other our hearts.
I suggested getting eloped. One ended of course. That would have worked if Shadow didn't catch us talking about it. He dragged me away. I was locked in my room away from her. I was going to be on the first boat out of here.
"You're going to marry princess Galaxy. She's from your own tribe you don't want a dragonet you won't care about." Shadow hissed.
I guess. I guess Aphid heard that. I heard her voice crack and claws pounding on the ground away from my room. My love didn't speak to me the rest of my stay. She didn't even say goodbye. I sailed home. With my heart broken. I would have loved a dragonet with her. I wanted to stay with her. After I got home I was introduced to Galaxy. I didn't think I could love her.
The queen noticed my attitude. Shadow told her what happened and I was kicked off the committee.
She did allow me to go back a year later. That's when I meet Honeydew. Barely a month old and clinging to Aphid for dear life. I figured she just moved on. So I moved on too.Present
"So that's my story. I've never meet the king. I hope he's everything you're mother wants." I said trying not to sound hurt.
I saw so much of Aphid in her.
"Mother are you alright." Nova asked.
I saw Galaxy. She had her head down and some tears were rolling down her snout. She had something to tell me.
"Galaxy. What is it darling." I said trying to hug her.
She pushed me away.
"I can't. Mother will end me." She said running out.
"Galaxy!" I yelled running after her.
I then saw my wonderful mother-in-law standing in front of Galaxy.
I looked back and saw that Nova, Fastfuture, Toxic and Honeydew had followed me.
"I tried to give you everything to make you forget that stupid dragon but I see I have to take other measures." Queen Shadowwalker hissed.
She grabbed Honeydew flinging her glasses off and pressing a knife to her throat.
Honeydew whimpered.
"Shadowwalker put her down." I said.
"Why. This brat probably came to tell you exactly who her father is." She growled.
"I promise I don't know. I never saw him. My mother always told him he didn't care about me and ran away after he found out she was with egg." Honeydew cried.
"Who's the low life that said that." I growled, "I swear if I ever see him I'll kill him."
"Oh really." Queen Shadowwalker said, "Shadow!"
He flew down and took the Hivewing from the queen.
"Oh darling. I was the one who told her that. That's your dragonet. And she's going to die for coming here. And ruining my plans. She was never supposed to exist. Only Nova and Fastfuture. And getting eloped to a Hivewing. You can't marry one. They're evil." Queen Shadowwalker hissed.
"Honeydew's not evil. Please just send her home." I begged.
"Why would I do that? She knows the truth. Do you not think she'll tell her mother you didn't want to leave. That I was the one who ruined you."
Fastfuture looked at Honeydew. So I looked too. Her claws were twitching. I feared Shadow had killed her in all the commotion. I looked back to the queen and roared.
She took the knife from her mother. I looked at Honeydew again. She was just twitching and shaking.
"Galaxy sweetheart. She's the product of your husbands love for another dragon. I know he still loves her. I know you don't like him having another dragonet with another dragon." Queen Shadowwalker growled.
"Mom please don't kill Honey." Nova cried.
"Mother if you do this we'll never love you again and we'll run away. You'll never see us again." Fastfuture growled.
Galaxy dropped the knife. And Honeydew sighed in relief.
Galaxy picked up Honeydew's glasses and dusted them off. She placed them on her face and smiled.
"Let her down Shadow." Galaxy demanded.
"What gives you the orders to boss me around." Shadow hissed, "I'm your older brother."
Shadow moved his claws to slap Galaxy. That made me angry.
Evidently Honeydew got her snout free and proceeded to bit Shadow.
"Ow. Moons that hurt." Shadow hissed.
He dropped Honeydew. She had the most horrified look on her face.
"Oh no I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She cried.
I heard wings flapping. Other Nightwings were gathering.
This was going to be bad.
Dear Princess Honeydew (completed)
Fantasy1000 years after the Queen Wasp incident things have changed. The three queens of pantala all rule together and if one makes a decision the other input. Queen Aphid was the luckiest of the other two. Blessed with a daughter to take her place. Wh...