The Daily Life Of Me

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JUGHEAD POV(12-years later)

I packed up my things from my house and put my stuff back in the back of the trunk. There were rules to live by when I was at home.

-No touching or sharing anything
-no going into each other's rooms
-make sure to clean everything Jughead touches
-Jughead must wear gloves and a hospital mask around the house

This was normal and honestly, it was better at the hospital. I didn't risk anything with my family. As a 17-year old boy, you'd never think I'd like it at the hospital. I had hardly any friends and I wasn't allowed to go to school.

"Alright, Jughead. We will take you to the hospital and then help you carry up your things then we will go." Dad said. I gave a thumbs up and we went to the hospital. Jellybean stayed home and I watched her wave goodbye. I sat in the passenger seat of that old truck of my dad's and I looked out the window. I saw all the people and trees as we were passing by. It was a warm day after all.

We pulled up to the hospital and I got out of the car. My parents helped me move stuff into the hospital. I was taken into the ICU and that's where my permanent room was. My parents set down the boxes in there and I looked around the room. A couch, a bed, a nightstand, and a TV. There was a heart monitor and a stand to hold the IV bags.

"Are you good in here, Jughead?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll probably go home in a month or two. I love you guys." I said. My parents smiled and nodded and then left the room. I sighed and walked over to my boxes and began to unpack. I put pillows and my blanket on my bed. I then put pictures around the room. I put my books on my nightstand and put my pens inside the drawer. I took out my electronics and chargers and set them also on the nightstand. I took off my gloves and hospital mask and set them on nightstand as well.

I was pretty much all unpacked at this point and I walked over to my med-cart. I looked at the list of medicines I was taking and my treatments.

MEDICATIONS: For the heart
Metoprolol-5 pills a day
Carvedilol-6 pills a day
Bumetanide-3 pills a day
Chlorothiazide-2 pills a day
Hydralazine dinitrate-4 pills a day
Nitroglycerin-2 pills a day

MEDICATIONS: For the lungs
Corticosteroids-2 pills a day
Azathioprine-3 pills a day
Nintedanib-4 pills a day
Pirfenidone-2 pills a day

MEDICATIONS: For the kidneys
Cinacalcet-5 pills a day
Darbepoetin alfa-3 pills a day
Furosemide-4 pills a day

MEDICATIONS: For the liver
Lactulose-6 pills a day

I sighed at the amount of  medications and I took off my oxygen tube. I went over to my heart monitor and connected the IV into my arm. The heartbeat was on the screen and the fluids were getting into my system. I sat on my bed and got out a book. I laid back and began to read the book. I read a few chapters before I got bored and put it away.

I put my oxygen tube back on and I grabbed my inhaler and took a few breaths off of that. Inhaler was good for opening airways. I put the inhaler away and I saw my doctor come in. He had his hazmat suit on.

"Hi Doctor Cooper." I said.

"Hi Jughead. I was just coming into see how you were doing. How are you?"

"Never better." I lied. Doctor Cooper chuckled and he put his stethoscope on my back. I took a few deep breaths in before I started coughing a lot. I calmed myself down and Doctor Cooper handed me my nebulizer. It was time for my breathing treatment.

"Alright, Jughead. I have to tell you something. We're conducting an experiment, a new drug trial. This is supposed to try and cure the part where you're contagious. Your heart is at 40% function and your lungs are at 28% function. We have some theories about a cure."

"Ok. What is it?" I asked.

"Transplant for your heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Hopefully, the drug trial will work. We're gonna start the trial tomorrow and see how it goes. Do your afflo-vest later but right now, do your nebulizer."

"Yes, sir." I said. Doctor Cooper left my room and I started doing my breathing treatment. 5-minutes later, the breathing treatment is done. I turn on the TV and I watch "Friends" which was one of my favorite shows. Then the nurse brought me in soup and she never bothered to greet me. She was terrified of me.

I grabbed my afflo-vest and put it on. I pressed the button and it started to shake. This was a good way to force my lungs to function better. I had to wear it 45-minutes before I could take it off. But this was my life. Medications, treatments, the hospital, online school, my family, and my few friends.

After 45-minutes, I was able to take off my vest. I turned the lights and TV off and got ready for bed. I got shorts and a t-shirt on and took off my beanie. I got cuddled up in the blanket and look over at my heart monitor.

Pulse: 63 BPM

I sighed and turned over and went to bed. The day was going to be the exact same tomorrow.

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