Beyond the Walls

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Hey friends!


I am so happy and excited to share it with you all, which is why I made this chapter. Wattpad has been a big part in giving me the confidence to pursue writing in the first place, so I want to start off by saying a big massive THANK YOU for that.

It would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out, maybe you'll even love the story as much as I do. It is called Beyond the Walls by Alice Westcreek.

But Rainbowzx, where can I buy it?

Well, made up person, I spend a big part of the last two years making sure this book is available EVERYWHERE. I linked some of the bigger retailers in my profile, but chances are that you could find it at your favourite bookstore in your home country (So if you are dutch like me you can find it at and de Donner) It even comes in three different formats! (Ebook, paperback and hardcover) That only took ten years off of my life span!

In all seriousness, writing is the only thing in my life that makes sense and comes to me easily. If you liked this book or maybe some of the other books I have written I really hope you'll check it out. I put like twenty times the amount of effort into Beyond the Walls, and I can wholeheartedly say that it is the best book I have ever written and that I am extremely proud of it.

Thank you for all the love and support

Ya girl,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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