Within this empty glass.

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He says, "I haven't seen you in awhile."

I nod and say, "I know."

He asks me how long I've been alone.

I ask him, "Why'd you go?"

"I doubled over, so I can start fresh,

But you only reappear.

And so here I am, just wondering,

If you'd let me stay here."

His words tremble from his lips,

Like water from a frozen glass.

A broken heart forms within the center,

And I shake my head as he asks;

"Why did you run so far away from me,

When all I ever wanted was to love you.

You act like I attempted murder,

Which is far from what I was trying to do."

I feel my pillow vibrate,

Waking me from my nightmare.

And I curl into a tiny ball,

And pretend like I couldn't care.

And I stare into the empty glass,

Next to my lonely bed.

Wondering why it is I had to ruin,

Everything I ever had.

And now for a moment of wisdomWhere stories live. Discover now