Chapter 5

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When I woke up, the Sun was just beginning to set. I was in my own bed, Soda or Darry must have brought me in here, I thought. I walk into the the living room to see Darry making dinner, "Hey Dar" I say groggily.

"Oh, hey Birdie." He said, continuing to cook.

"Where are the guys?" I ask.

"Oh they're at the dingo, the going to the drive in"

"Can I go?"

"No Robin"

"Why notttttttttt?" 

"Because you have school tommorrow"


"Birdie you have to go to school"

"Well if I'm going to school so is Pony, and you aren't making him stay home"

"Well it's not his first day of high school," he retorted, "and he isn't a 12 year old freshman"

I pouted and turned on the T.V. and found The Sound of Music. I loved Julie Andrew's voice and new all the songs by heart. (We did the musical at Stanlow and I Liesl and got to sing I am 16 going on 17 ) Right then Do and Deer began playing, and I began to sing it. Honestly, I'm pretty sure it startled Darry, but I need to find entertainment somewhere. 

The rest of the night was fine Darry and I had dinner alone and we talked about, really everything, from school to football and socs to him always pulling muscles from carrying to much roofing.

Later that night Darry and I curled up to watch The Great Escape. Our favorite movie to watch together, we knew every single word, and would always yell at the TV.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke to Soda coming into my room and whispering, "Good night Robin" before I drifted back into my doze.

The next day I woke up to all 3 of my brothers tickling me like crazy. I was literally dying, I was laughing so hard I thought my lungs would come out my nose. "Ok, ok I'm up." I said trying to push them off me. When they finally did get off, I took a shower, and got my new dress on.

I walked into the kitchen to grab some cake and saw Soda shoveling eggs with grape jelly into his mouth, "EWWWWW!!!! Soda what's wrong with you?!"

He looks at me confused, "What?"

"You're eating eggs with jelly, that gross"

"No it's great"

"Ok weirdo" I said stifling a laugh.

I grabbed all my books and stuffed them in my backpack, "Pony are you ready?" I yell.

He bounds toward me  and out the door, so I follow. About a 10 minute walk later, we get to the huge high school. "Bye Robin, see you at lunch" Pony says, and before I can even respond, he disappeared into the crowd.

I walked to my home room to see all these huge 15 year old's staring at me. I walk over to the teacher's desk, "Hi I'm Robin Curtis" 

"Oh hello Robin. Class this is Robin Curtis, our newest student." I heard some replies but no one really said anything.

"Is Sodapop your brother?"

"I didn't know Soda had a twin"

"Are you sure you aren't a middle schooler?"

The rest of the day was quite uneventful, I went to all my classes, got strange looks from all the freshman, sat with Pony, Johnny, and Two-Bit at lunch. Then I'm walking down the hall to World History when a soc who looks like senior walked passed me, I felt a sharp snap, and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the principals office.  

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