Chapter 7

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"Dal...are you sure this is a good idea" I asked walking down the street next to Pony and Dally.

"Come on, do I ever have bad ideas?" He replied getting Pony into a headlock.

"Um...yeah, all the time" Pony basically yelled. 

"Ok, whatever. We are going to go to the Dingo then we are gonna go steal some stuff and come back to the lot before we go over to the DX" Dally stated.

We walked to the Dingo and got some food. While we walked we passed a few cars, most of them full of Socs. When a few whistled, Dally and Pony got on either side of me trying to protect me. I just tried to keep walking and not be bothered by it, but Pony knew a was a little freaked out. We get to the Dingo and order some food. I order some fries and a coffee milkshake while Pony gets a Pepsi and so onion ring. Dally sits there without ordering.

"Ain't you gonna get somethin'?" I ask Dally whose sitting casually. 

"Nah, I ain't hungry" He replies. I squint at him, trying to see past his hard exterior.

"I'm Dallas Winston" I mock with a deep voice.

Pony continues with me, "I'm so tuff I don't eat" We start laugh when Dally catches off guard.

"Listen here you little shits" he says in a hushed tone.

"Calm down, if it means THAT much to you we'll stop." I state giggling a bit.

We finish eating and head towards the drug store. I grab a magazine and a notebook a stick it into my jacket. After circling the store a few times I also grab some chips and a pop. The three of us circle the store a few more times before we walk out. 

"Whatcha guys get?" I ask the two boys.

"Wait 'til were at the lot Birdie" Pony replies and I take the message.

When we get to the lot we take all our stuff out to show each other.

"Wow, you got a lot for not practicing at all" Pony told me slightly amazed.

"Who said I wasn't practicing?" I snap back.

"Daaaaaaamn" Dally replies.

The boys each got a pop, and some form of food, Dall got a magazine with a bunch of half naked girls, and Pony got a book called 'Gone With the Wind'.

"Pony, how many copies do you have of that book?" I ask, surprised he got ANOTHER one.

"Uh...I don't know?" He says unconvincingly, I give him a look, "Ok, fine. Six."

"Why?" I ask, a little concerned for his well being.

We hung out at the lot for most of the day doing dumb teenager stuff. Dally and Pony taught me how to do lots of gymnastic tricks Darry learned at a class at the YMCA a few years back. It took a while but I finally figured out how to do a back handspring and a back flip. This defiantly wasn't my first rodeo when it came to gymnastics, Stanlow had a gymnastics team that Marta was on. She taught me a bunch of stuff that really hasn't had a use, but it's fun. 

At 3:00 we started walking to the DX, it's only being about 15 minutes from our house, but we had to take the long way around so it looked like we were walking from school. We arrived at 3:32 apparently the normal time Pony gets there if we walk.

"Hey Soda!" I say speed walking up to my brother working on someones car. Just based off the looks it seemed to be a soc car. A few glances around the shops exterior proved my correct as a bunch of the rich kids stood around waiting.

"Hey Birdie, how was school?" Soda asked looking up from the cars engine. It was a hot late August afternoon and he was sweating.

"It was great," I lied, "So, do you need any help?" I continue as I tighten my ponytail.

"No offense Ro, but do you even know how a car works?" Soda asks sceptically.

"Yeah, I took a year of mechanics at school" I say trying a bit to seek his aprroval.

"Not today, but maybe some other time," He says. 

I look down at my converse, "Okay"

"Hey why don't you go inside. Steve's working the register, you can go hang out with him" Soda says sweetly.

I walk to the door when someone grabs my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I turn around and see a soc boy and his friends staring back at me.

"Let go!" I say, loud. Soda jump up and runs over.

"Hey boys. That's my kid sister, ya hear. If you mess with her you're messin' with the whole Curtis gang. Let her go and there'll  be no trouble" By the time Soda finishes Pony, Dally, and Steve are by my side. Bob lets go and stomps away as I am left trembling.

"Hey lets get you inside, you can even have a candy bar if you want" Steve says leading me inside the shop.

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