Chapter 3

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That first night home was the best night I ever spent anywhere. I spent it with my favorite people, my brothers. We played cards, watched TV, and they helped me get settled in. Then, the rules. Of course, I, Robin Elizabeth Curtis, the only female Curtis still alive, was not going to get away with not having any rules. Darrel Shaynne Curtis and Sodapop Patrick Curtis would not let their kid sister live happily with no rules. For what seemed like hours (for all I know it might have been) they went on and on about "appropriate behavior" while Pony got to go to the lot with Johnny.


1. Curfew is 9:30 on school nights and 11 on weekends

2. Homework before reading, drawing, songwriting, etc.

3. Only light makeup

4. Don't draw too much attention to yourself

5. Don't pick fights, don't join them

6. Never get caught by the fuzz

7. NO BOYS (to date, the gang doesn't count)

8. Never walk alone

9. You can talk to us about anything

10. No swearing 

Well, there they are, 10 rules made by Darry and Soda Curtis, with a little negotiating from me. 10 rules, that's not so bad, I can work with that. 

Then came the thunder. My absolute favorite, the one thing I was actually afraid of. Oh God, Darry, and Soda were in for a treat. I hugged my legs up to my chest and put my head on my knees, trying to block the sound out. I saw Darry and Soda look at each other from the corner of my eye before the tears started silently rolling down my cheeks. 

"Um...uh, Robin are you okay?" Darry asked confused.

"I'm fine!" I said in a raised voice before running into my room and slamming the door. I got into my bed, pulled the covers over my head and curled up into a little ball. 

About half an hour later I barely heard the door open, being almost asleep. It was Soda, he knew I hated thunder, he was the only one that knew (besides Mom and Dad). He crawled into bed and hugged me.

"It's okay Robin, it's only thunder. It can't hurt you" he said rocking me slightly. After that, I fell asleep in his arms. 

I woke up the next morning to find Soda was still next to me sleeping soundly. As I moved his hand and got out of bed, I stepped on the creaky floorboard I thought I had memorized to avoid. I froze afraid to wake anyone up then made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

The one time of the day that I had some alone time. I knew I had some time (or I thought I did) so I took a little longer than I normally would, after 4 years on ten minute showers I was pretty sure I deserved I long one. I took a twenty minute shower, which sounds nice right? Wrong. 

I was minding my own business putting shampoo in my hair, then I heard the door slam. Someone was in the house, probably Steve or Two-bit. But they didn't even knock, isn't that not normal? 

I tried to finish up as quickly as possible when Two yelled, "Is anyone home?!"  Yep, I thoughtI turned off the water and was about to step out when Steve came in to go to the bathroom. He was about to pull down his pants when I yelled, "For God's sake, get out!!!!!!!!!!!!" I swear he jumped three feet in the air, but I don't care.

Can't I please just get some privacy? I went to my room to find Soda gone, thank God, I thought. I could change in peace. I go put on my skinny jeans, and look down and see them at the middle of my calf. Then I put on a black tank top and a black and red flannel, and you can totally see my boobs through it. Great. 

I walk out of my room and they all turn to look at me. I instinctively cover my chest feeling vulnerable. "Soda," I ask, his head perks up, "Can you come 'ere for a sec?" biting the inside of my lip, and old habit I have.

"What's up bub?" He asks, walking towards me. He comes into my room and closes the door. We both sit on my bed as I look down and twiddle my thumbs, "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks concerned. 

"W-well, I n-need..." I stammer out trying to push out the last of the sentence, "bras..." I grab and twist the blankets and slowly look up at him. He looks a little confused and his eyes were wide.

"Y-yeah sure bub..." he stuttered. "We can go get those for you" He looked absolutely shocked. We walked out of my room and I went to sit on the couch looking down at my feet. I saw Darry and Soda go outside to talk, but I didn't know what about. They probably don't want me, they are talking about how I'm so high maintenance I am and that they should just send me to a girls home. I thought. 

Just then Darry emerged from outside and said, "Everyone, get in the truck. We are going shopping"

Sorry for not updating in so long, I just have been really busy, and have been trying to create a story line. But I do have some good ideas, do I should be updating more regularly.

Stay Gold,

M.T. Cade

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