Wisdom teeth

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                    "THID YOU HEAR ME BABE!"

"Chris come on let gets go!" I yell rolling my eyes as I dragged a whiny chris out of the passenger side of my car

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"Chris come on let gets go!" I yell rolling my eyes as I dragged a whiny chris out of the passenger side of my car.

"B-but I don't wannaaa!!" He cries out making me huff and let go of his hand.

I pull my hands up to my forehead rubbing it as i sigh.

"Christopher..if you don't get your high yellow ass out this car and inside this dentist office so help me god.." I seeth hearing him groan and slowly submerge out the car.

He mutters things underneath his breath rolling his eyes repeatedly as he stomps over to the double doors.

I roll my eyes saying a quick prayer in hopes ill let him leave here in one piece.

Walking in behind chris I greet the lady at the front desk smiling widely as she hands me the sign in clipboard.

I walk over to where chris sat beginning to fill out all of the information, knowing his stubborn ass wouldn't bother to touch the sliver pen that sat firmly in my hand.

About 15 minutes past and I was finally finished filling out all the papers sighing in relief. I walk the clipboard over to the lady taking my seat as I patiently wait for chris name to be called.

My silence is interrupted by chris complaining behind me.

"Y/n do I really have too?" He groans pulling at the sleeve of my shirt making me rub my temples in irritation.

The event that was bound to take place in about 10 minutes that has chris all worked up was his appointment to get his wisdom teeth removed.

Following chris last appointment the dentist said that they where going to need to be removed soon and it was in best interest for Chris if he agreed to it.

Which he did...

Until now.

"Yes chris! This is mandatory, if you leave those in there you don't know what could happen. Just please sit back and relax it's really nothing to be worried about." I sigh hearing him groan.

And for one I'm not kissing nor am I walking around with a yuck mouth boyfriend.

"But..but what if it hurtssss. What if I'm ugly?!" He continues as I take a deep breath turning to face him.

"Boy hush..you won't feel a thing, they are going to numb your mouth and then on top of that they put you on an anesthetic that put's you to sleep. You'll wake up high off whatever's in it and won't remember a thing." I informed rolling my eyes.

"But what if-" he started only for me to stop him.

"No buts Christopher, your getting this done and that's it. Now be quiet." I spat seeing him huff and sit back in his seat, arms folded loosely over his chest.

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