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  "my big ass baby."

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"then who the  fuck is she chris?! it's right there on fucking paper, your really about to sit here and lie to my face!" she yells tears staining her cheeks as i sigh running my hands down my face. it was currently 3:o4 in the morning we had been on this topic since 12:00..tired wasn't anything to describe how i felt.

i had went to the bar last night with a couple of my boys and some random broad had came up to me asking to exchange sexual favors, i thought she was a fan at first do to her compliments and excitement so i hugged her. not knowing it would lead to the bitch kissing my neck and pulling on my shirt.

sadly tmz messy asses didn't photograph the part where i shoved her off me and had her escorted out of my section. so now here was y/n in tears as she scanned the news article in anger and disbelief.

"baby...i promise you i was trying to get her off me. it took us fifteen minutes to get her to leave the club, she came up to me. you know how these blogs do me, they show the shit they wanna show. if i had the proof i'd show you..why would i do you like that?" i stress holding my hands out.

"it wouldn't be your first time embarrassing me- you know what...fuck this. i don't even wanna be around you right now. i'm so tired of this shit christopher." she cries walking over to the closet, i watch closely as she pulls out a bookbag beginning to stuff her clothes inside.

i immediately jump up and grab her arm, "woah woah babe listen to me! y/n man look at me, i don't know her. why would i fucking lie to you when i told you i was done wit that shit...babe-stop bro what are you doing-" i finally manage to snatch the bookbag out of her hands as i grab both her wrist.

"get off of me! get off!" she cries out angrily as i sigh picking her up, i lift her body over my shoulder walking out of the closet.

slipping on my shoes i grab my keys off the dresser before proceeding down the stairs and out to the car, y/n screaming and kicking, her tiny fist hitting my back the whole time.

finally getting her inside, i jog over to the passenger side getting in, starting the car i back out of the driveway seeing her huff and cross her arms.

"w-where are you taking me." she sniffles making me glance at her before looking back at the road.

" hungry?" i hum turning onto another street as she scrunches her face up.

"huh?" not responding, i pull into inside out's drive thru rolling down my window.

"welcome to inside out burger, may i take your order?" the man ask politely through the intercom as i rub my goatee.

"yea, can i have two number 7's. one with a sprite, one with a coke." i mutter grabbing my black card out my pocket.

"alright will that be all for you?" he chirps as i mumble a small yea, he tells me my total as i pull around.

"hello, 12,87." i nod handing him the card as he swipes it handing it back over. shorty after handing me our food and drinks.

"okay thank you, you have a good one."

"aight brotha you too." i smile before pulling out.
driving down the highway it takes about fifteen minutes before we reached the empty parking lot.

the sun slowly rising as i park the car. turning it off i look at a confused y/n, examining the scenery before her as i smile to myself.

"come on mama." i coo as she looks at me before hesitantly steppin out of the car.

i quickly grab a blanket out of the trunk before running back to the hood of the car where she stood.
"here.." i hold my hand out nodding my head toward the hood as she rolls her eyes letting me lift her up onto the car.

i jumping on handing her, her food getting mines out to eat aswell. we sit in a complete silence, the sound of the leaves and ocean in front of us being the only sounds.

"you know i love you right?" i ask tossing our trash into the nearby can. she nods her head playing with the promise ring she wore along her finger. i had just got it about 4 months ago.

"look at me...." i wait anxiously as she lifts her head, her eyes finally meeting mines. hers holding so much worry and sorrow, my heart sinking slightly.

"i love you. all that sneaky..out late night shit i use to do is over, i'm trying to give you my last name in a couple of years and you think i'm really worried about being out hea in another bitch face? stop worrying yourself, i hate to see you like this. i promise you nobody can take your place and i'd really wish you'd understand that...i love you y/n." i sigh seeing her lips quiver as she scoots over laying her head in my lap. she whispers a small 'sorry' as i nod.

i chuckled running my fingers through her hair returning back to the comfortable silence. soon it's filled with little snores as i look down to see y/n peacefully sleeping.

lifting her into my arms i carry her bridal style to the passenger side, gently siting her inside as she adjust herself a little. shutting her door i grab the blanket running over to my side sliding inside.

i throw the blanket in the back seat starting the car as i stop to look over at y/n. her face nuzzled into the side of the seat as her hair falls lazily again her face, smiling i shake my head before leaning over to kiss her forehead.

"my big ass baby."

something cute & short 🤍.

hello, currently bored and avoiding my math work.

y'all comments have had me in tears on the last chapter. everybody on treys ass😭

anyways vote, comment and follow!
i'll be updating frequently since my brains is working.


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