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sitting the camera slightly behind the tv, your wave before running your fingers through my curls.
"heyyy yawww, it's ya girl y/n back with anotha foe yo mother and of course i'm about to prank chris." you chuckle fiddling with your acrylics.
"so i'm doing the ignoring my boyfriend prank and i kind of have an idea of how this is gonna go. chris hates when i ignore him, he finds that shit disrespect and scary because he thinks our communication is fuccin up." you smile at the thought of chris being concerned about you two falling out of love.
he was so entitled to making sure you was the happiest person, chris had always been so considerate and cautious with your feelings due to your past relationships.
"anywayyy let's get into the video, he downstairs playin the game." you mutter before walking downstairs.
you were hungry so you decided to start the prank in the kitchen. reaching the bottom of the steps you keep yiureyes straight walking right past a shouting chris.
"TY BRO- nigga i said left!" he yells at tyga making you mentally roll your eyes.
pushing open the kitchen door you feel his eyes leave the screen to look at you for a second.
"hey mama!" he yells outside the door as you ignore him proceeding to search through the fridge.
"red shoot him...shoot him- sho-NIGGA WHAT ARE YOU DOIN?!" he shouts frustratedly making me laugh.
you grab the bowl of pineapples out the fridge and a bottle of water. walking over to the door pushing it open with your back.
"yes, respawn real quick bro..." he mumbled before turning to you. looking down towards your bowl picking out a pineapple as you pop it into your mouth.
"lemme get one babe.." he smiles goofily as you yet again ignore his presence. his face scrunches as you continue up the stairs.
"baby!" he yells before you walk into the room unpausing a rerun of spongebob. sitting in your same spot, sticking your tongue out at the camera.
"y/nnn!" he sings as you continue.
"i'll catch y'all niggas later." you here him say before footsteps come up the stairs.