"don't touch me unless you finna have this baby with me ."
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"How you work dis shit?" I mutter scratching the back of my head as I begin to press random buttons..hoping i wouldn't break it.
Pressing a button at the very top the lens pops out and the screen comes on making me smirk.
I set it down infront of me taking a seat on the bed . "WHAT THE FUCK IS UP! Sike nah but it's ya boy bReEzy here and well..I'm about to prank y/n." I smile deviously rubbing my hands together.
"Now we gotta hurry cause she only went down the street to Walmart to get some cake mix..and it took me five years to turn this damn camera on." I huffed rolling my eyes.
"Soooo basically I'm finna tell her I want a baby..and I want it now! I know y'all prolly like tHat pRAnk iS sUpPose tO bE tHe oTher way arOund"- nah it's not so shutcho bitch ass up and enjoy the prank!" I yell laughing afterwords.
"Aight aight let get into this." I chuckle going to layback on the bed. I go into "acting mode" making it look like I've been thinking really hard. Something I don't do...at all.
Now y'all now this perm be getting to my brain cells..the weed too
I turn the channel my face lighting up in excitement seeing that spongebob was on.
"Now Squidward nut ass know damn well that wig cap is OD ugly." I cackled at a cocky squidward checking out the piece of hair laying on top of his head. I laid back waiting for y/n to get home.
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I hear keys jingle and the front door open making me jolt up out of my 5 minutes nap.
I wipe the drool off the side of my lip looking at the camera before I attempt to get myself together.
Sooner or later I realize she's not coming upstairs. "Babe?" I yelled hearing her little feet walk over to the stairs.
"Yeah? I'm about to start the cake now." She says softly as i nod..as is she could see me.